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Is Microsoft Language Portal having problems?
Téma indítója: Elisabeth Maurland
Elisabeth Maurland
Elisabeth Maurland
Egyesült Államok
Local time: 13:07
Tag (2013 óta)
angol - norvég
+ ...
May 29, 2016

Or is it just my computer? It's been difficult to get anything useful out of it the last couple of days. It's been slow, and now it doesn't work at all. I can get to the site after a very long time, but it doesn't show any languages.

Local time: 19:07
Tag (2015 óta)
angol - portugál
+ ...
Same experience here, Elisabeth May 29, 2016

Since last Friday Microsoft Language Portal is working very slow; the Terminology Database seems to not work, because no languages are shown.
It is a bit frustrating, because it is a very useful resource.
I hope it is a temporary situatio
... See more
Since last Friday Microsoft Language Portal is working very slow; the Terminology Database seems to not work, because no languages are shown.
It is a bit frustrating, because it is a very useful resource.
I hope it is a temporary situation.

It has happened before:

[Edited at 2016-05-29 22:39 GMT]

J Gallagher (X)
J Gallagher (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:07
angol - finn
+ ...
Microsoft Language Portal works with Microsoft Edge May 29, 2016

Tried Chrome and IE 11, no luck with either. But it seems to work ok in the force-fed Windows 10 + Microsoft Edge.

EDIT: I take that back, it worked ok at first, then slowed down considerably. But still works.

[Edited at 2016-05-29 23:11 GMT]

Paulinho Fonseca
Paulinho Fonseca  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:07
Tag (2011 óta)
angol - portugál
+ ...
same glitch here May 30, 2016

Hi Everyone...

I've had the same issue and right now it is very, very slow.

Local time: 19:07
Tag (2015 óta)
angol - portugál
+ ...
The problem remains May 30, 2016

I tried with Microsoft Edge, but it seems to not work either...
The only solution I can see at the moment is to download the Microsoft Terminology Collection in TBX format here:
I tried it, and even if it is slower I could make it.

Elisabeth Maurland
Elisabeth Maurland
Egyesült Államok
Local time: 13:07
Tag (2013 óta)
angol - norvég
+ ...
Didn't work May 30, 2016

expressisverbis wrote:

I tried it, and even if it is slower I could make it.

Hm, I tried that, but I got an error message saying that "no translations currently exist in that language. Please try another." I have tried Norwegian and Danish, no translations exist in Danish either. Of course they do, but apparently not now.

Local time: 19:07
Tag (2015 óta)
angol - portugál
+ ...
"Page not found" May 30, 2016

Elisabeth Maurland wrote:

expressisverbis wrote:

I tried it, and even if it is slower I could make it.

Hm, I tried that, but I got an error message saying that "no translations currently exist in that language. Please try another." I have tried Norwegian and Danish, no translations exist in Danish either. Of course they do, but apparently not now.

I was trying to download it for you in your working languages, but now is getting worse... "We are sorry, the page you requested cannot be found."

[Edited at 2016-05-30 19:54 GMT]

Elisabeth Maurland
Elisabeth Maurland
Egyesült Államok
Local time: 13:07
Tag (2013 óta)
angol - norvég
+ ...
Thank you, though! May 30, 2016

expressisverbis wrote:

I was trying to download it for you in your working languages, but now is getting worse... "We are sorry, the page you requested cannot be found."

[Edited at 2016-05-30 19:54 GMT]

Thank you, though! I hope they fix it soon. I use this resource a lot.

Irene Schlotter, Dipl.-Übers.
Irene Schlotter, Dipl.-Übers.
Local time: 20:07
angol - német
+ ...
Windows 10 + Firefox 46.0.1 OR IE 11.0.31 - Portal fails to work May 30, 2016

The official Microsoft Language Portal fails to work in the above configuration. I have my firewall disabled for this site so that is not the issue. I suppose they are indeed having problems but being FOR FREE the issue might not have the same priority as other (possibly more pressing) matters. A shame really.

[Bearbeitet am 2016-05-30 23:28 GMT]

Luca Tutino
Luca Tutino  Identity Verified
Tag (2002 óta)
angol - olasz
+ ...
It is a pity! May 31, 2016

In my experience, it has been working on and off often and for a long time but never this long before. Are they fading it out?

Also, I find it strange that no explanation is available anywhere about previous failures.

Even if I have their tbx files, I find the online interface much more convenient and I always had the impression that their online content was richer than the downloadable files.

[Edited at 2016-05-31 16:53 GMT]

Local time: 19:07
Tag (2015 óta)
angol - portugál
+ ...
I agree with Luca May 31, 2016

With some luck a few minutes ago I could download your language pairs.
If you want, I can send it you.
The website remains slow, but Downloads section seemed to be working.
I agree with Luca. It's a pity because the interface is much better than these files.
And, it's true, there's no information on this issue at Microsoft website.
We will keep our fingers crossed for Microsoft Language Portal be alive again.
Have a nice evening everyone!... See more
With some luck a few minutes ago I could download your language pairs.
If you want, I can send it you.
The website remains slow, but Downloads section seemed to be working.
I agree with Luca. It's a pity because the interface is much better than these files.
And, it's true, there's no information on this issue at Microsoft website.
We will keep our fingers crossed for Microsoft Language Portal be alive again.
Have a nice evening everyone!

[Edited at 2016-05-31 23:50 GMT]

Elisabeth Maurland
Elisabeth Maurland
Egyesült Államok
Local time: 13:07
Tag (2013 óta)
angol - norvég
+ ...
Really nice of you! May 31, 2016

expressisverbis wrote:

I you want, I can send it you.

However, I was able to download them myself just now. But I have no idea what to do with tbx files. I googled and read that I could turn them into xml files and open them in Excel, and Excel would recognize the format. I did that, but I can't make any sense of the text. Maybe it doesn't work that way with a Mac. I'll have to google some more.

Local time: 19:07
Tag (2015 óta)
angol - portugál
+ ...
That's great! Jun 1, 2016

Elisabeth Maurland wrote:

expressisverbis wrote:

I you want, I can send it you.

However, I was able to download them myself just now. But I have no idea what to do with tbx files. I googled and read that I could turn them into xml files and open them in Excel, and Excel would recognize the format. I did that, but I can't make any sense of the text. Maybe it doesn't work that way with a Mac. I'll have to google some more.

I read somewhere that ApSIC Xbench can read and convert this format.
I haven't tried this yet; I will have to check it.

Maria Simmen
Maria Simmen
Local time: 20:07
Tag (2009 óta)
angol - német
+ ...
It's back - hooray! Jun 1, 2016

At least for me, fingers crossed everyone else will be able to use it as well. I'm downloading the German termbase as I'm typing this, in order to be prepared for it finally shutting down *shudder*

[Edited at 2016-06-01 19:03 GMT]

Local time: 19:07
Tag (2015 óta)
angol - portugál
+ ...
Working again :) Jun 1, 2016

Maria Bruessler wrote:

At least for me, fingers crossed everyone else will be able to use it as well. I'm downloading German termbase as I'm typing this, in order to be prepared for it finally shutting down *shudder*

I'm very glad that the Portal is now functional!
Search Terminology and Downloads are perfectly working again.
Shutting down? I hope not...

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