help with an audio file transcription
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Tag (2019 óta)
francia - spanyol
+ ...
Apr 4, 2023


I opened this question and it is not appearing in the KudoZ list.***-meters.html
I deleted a previous version as it had a mistake in the title. I wonder if that is the reason for not being in the list.

I repeated the question but is n
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I opened this question and it is not appearing in the KudoZ list.***-meters.html
I deleted a previous version as it had a mistake in the title. I wonder if that is the reason for not being in the list.

I repeated the question but is not appearing too***-meters.html

Link are working properly, but question is not in the list.

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for repetition


I paste here the question in case you can help as it is a delivery due tonight:



is the same subtitle I asked about before.

I am working with what seems to be an automatic transcription:

This draft script shows "an area of approximately 50,000 square meters".

But the woman speaking clearly says another thing: "an area of approximately 50,000 ***twenty/twendy*** meters...".

The rest of the sentence has no relevance to decide or clarify.

There is other part where a man says the same.

They say other thing, not square, but would it be a synonym of square and "metros cuadrados/m²" is ok? Or what they say?

Thanks in advance for your assistance

Audio files in the cloud here:!AnSGX1lfhyF6mneqTzNFoXsUXqtQ?e=SepRbq

M4a and mp3 formats ▲ Collapse

Mr. Satan (X)
Mr. Satan (X)
angol - indonéz
??? Apr 4, 2023

I’m hearing “fifty thousand square meter(s)” in both sound clips. It is possible that I'm the one being obtuse here, but I failed to see the problem.

[Edited at 2023-04-04 08:30 GMT]

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Oroszországi Föderáció
Local time: 17:43
angol - orosz
Must be in English Apr 4, 2023

Most probably your posts keep removed because they were in Spanish. Posts must be in English unless you publish them in a dedicated Spanish forum.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Oroszországi Föderáció
Local time: 17:43
angol - orosz
50,000-m² area vs 50,000 m² Apr 4, 2023

What regards your audio file, she says "approximately fifty thousand square meter area". The word 'meter' is singular here, probably that is why you hear "twenty" or whatever else you hear.
The male voice says 'There are more than fifty thousand square meters dedicated...' Plural here because there is no word 'area' after 'meters'.

[Edited at 2023-04-04 08:36 GMT]

Mr. Satan (X)
Tag (2019 óta)
francia - spanyol
+ ...
thanks for your assistance in this Apr 6, 2023

i found the kudoz was not appearing because it is an English question, not bilingual as my filters accept. The kudoz was there but it didn't appear on my list.




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help with an audio file transcription

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