Min dolgoznak a fordítókOszd meg, hogy min dolgozol. Ezzel nem csak a munkád reklámozod, hanem folyamatosan nyomon tudod követni a projektjeidet. Ezen jellemző megvitatása.
Milyen fordítási projekten dolgozol ebben a pillanatban?
We are engaged 1 user
(módosítva) Degree in Human Management 1 user
Instead of working, I am trying to solve a problem with ProZ because if "You ended up not deleting the negative feedback about our company, and thus did not qualify for the extra $100." which means (translated=) if you leave a negative BB entry because you received 100 EUR less than you invoiced, the company considers it for an "extra" but you entitled to receive your loss only if you delete a BB comment. And my BB comment disappeared... CUI PRODEST??? Just finished and handed over a WPC profile extrusion line installation manual consisting of 12 machines, English to Hungarian, 155 pages and I am... crushed as a pellet
Working on WPC profile extrusion line consisting of 12 machines, English to Hungarian, 280 pages + 155 pages, and becoming a coffee addict.
I have successfully passed the exam in Data Protection Law :) :) :) 1 user1 user Finalizing a police report
Carnet de muncă - collaboration with my dedicated colleague Ms. Vajna, Romanian to Hungarian translator, a lot of handwritten text, burning eyes... and a happy client :)
(módosítva) Today is 3 years that the dearest Mr. Jack Doughty passed away. I miss him dearly. #trueProZian #KudoZleader #RussiantoEnglish (módosítva) воспоминания академика Валерия Легасова / Кассета 1, Сторона А | Озвученный текст из пяти кассет, надиктованных академиком
Wedding documents package :) at least met a happy couple during the pandemic. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of my colleagues around the world
Just finished a scientific report about SAMOZDRAV Natural Lung Expansion & Mucus Device | Breathing Exerciser | Cleanse Therapy Aid, RU-HU, 11 pages Not meeting my deadline and struggling in the last minute :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( New generation of reduced carbohydrate products - multilingual project Proofreading: Annual report to parents 2017-18
Matchday Experience Evaluation Form / CAFE football (Chunk 0, 1) TWB
Wilhelm Reich: Character Analysis (Charakteranalyse) / Starting a 500-page book
Just finished: BA Halbautomatische Ansetzanlage_DE, EG Konformitätserklärung. Time for a well-deserved coffee... before starting the other one.
Corporate letter RU-HU
Just finished: BA Halbautomatische Ansetzanlage_DE, EG Konformitätserklärung. Time for a well-deserved coffee... before starting the other one.
(módosítva) Grundarbeitsplätze... almost done...
Kaschier- und Umbuganlage 1 user
Заверенная выписка из государственного кадастрового учета в электронном виде – Полная копия
Договор купли-продажи доли в уставном капитале RU-HU
Large RU medical project in the middle of the night (*/*) 1 user
Marketing Presentation and sales plan, HU-RU
Editing a company documentation package: Hungarian-Azerbaijani Project Finalizing a PL-HU Questionnaire
Please share: On May 24, 2018 the last research associate of the Georg Lukács Archives of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was banned from the Archives after twenty-eight years of employment. Despite local and international protest, with the assistance of its own library, the Academy closed the archives of the only world-renowned Hungarian philosopher – in existence since 1972 – after his research had been wound up and manuscripts taken away. By replacing the locks on its door, the Archives ceased to be a venue attracting international interest and researchers. Please join us to save the Lukacs Archive https://mereiszakkoli.wordpress.com/2018/05/25/1317/ (módosítva) Preparing a company documentation package: Hungarian-Azerbaijani Project. Stay tuned, colleagues :)
(módosítva) Writing an elaborated e-mail to a great moderator of the ProZ.com and trying to find a list of my past warnings...
(módosítva) Entlassungsbrief
Celebrating my DPO certificate #GDPR - ask your new consultant :)
Happy Easter to everyone! Kellemes húsvéti ünnepeket!
Happy New Year to everyone! May all of your dreams come true in 2018. Lets open a new chapter :) Short break in the middle of the Christian project: Fire protection guide :)
Christian project, 20 books - we are blessed
30 different documents of a family HU-EN - collaboration with Ivan Czar |