Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 37 results
Словарь предназначен для широкой аудитории, экономистов и экологов, студентов и журналистов, интересующихся тем, что такое изменение климата, как работает Конвенция ООН по климату, какая терминология используется при заключении контрактов и сопровождении международных проектов по снижению выбросов парниковых газов, в том числе с российским участием... View more
Accounting, Audit & Finance Glossary
Международный центр реформы системы бухгалтерского учета |
Издание подготовлено Международным центром реформы системы бухгалтерского учета (МЦРСБУ) с использованием бухгалтерской, аудиторской и общей финансовой терминологии, применяемой во многих секторах экономики. При составлении Глоссария проведена широкая консультационная работа с участием заинтересованных сторон и использована терминология предыдущих ... View more
A Dictionary of Religious Terms
Dr. Abdullah Abu-Eshy AI-Maliki and Dr. Abdul-Latif Sheikh-Ibrahim |
هذا الملف يحتوي على أغلب الكلمات والعبارات والمصطلحات التي يمكن أن يستخدمها الداعية باللغة الإنجليزية وما يقابلها مع الشرح باللغة العربية، وهذا القاموس عبارة عن شرح مصطلحات الإسلام بأسلوب سهل وممتع...
Drugs street terms (drug slang)
Office of National Drug Control Policy |
The Street Terms database contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. The database is used by police officers, parents, treatment providers and others who require a better understanding of drug culture.
Más de mil términos y expresiones inglesas que se usan corrientemente en publicaciones económicas y financieras.
Glossary of Legal (and related) Terms - Courthouse Signs - English/Spanish
Administrative Office of the Courts, New Jersey |
(PDF to download) INTRODUCTION This document is a working compilation of terminological choices made by the translation team that issues official translations of documents issued by the Administrative Office of the Courts. It is updated each time new documents present translation challenges resolved by the team.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police English-French Police Terminological Glossary
Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Polex: a Terminological Knowledge Base Polex+®, a police lexicon officially known as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police English-French Police Terminological Glossary, is a terminology management tool. It respects the terminology principles outlined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 704). Terminology management is the pa... View more
English-Russian construction dictionary
Glossary of Election Terms 2007
US Election Assistance Commission |
The Glossary of Key Election Terminology provides a translation of election terms from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. It contains 1,843 terms and phrases used in the administration of elections in the United States. To ensure the translations were culturally and linguistically appropriate, terms were translated and reviewed by a mu... View more
The American's guide to speaking British.
The seven sections on the left contain over 1000 words and expressions that differ in their usage between the US and the UK
Glossary of Climate Change Terms
U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Climate change related terms and links.
Slownik stanowisk - Polish Glossary of Job Titles
HRK.PL Portal ynku Pracy |
It is a Polish glossary that provides lists with names of different jobs in Polish. It covers such areas as: banking, pharmacy, IT, automotive industry/services/, general, construction & building industry, supermarkets, forwarding & transportation, publishing houses
Diccionario sobre la Diabetes NIDDK
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse |
Lista de entradas y temas del Diccionario sobre la Diabetes de la organización del gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse. Existe la misma información en inglés:
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse |
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
A to Z list of Diabetes topics and titles
English. Has a twin URL, in Spanish:
Also has a downloadable PDF version.
Noise Control Terms Made Somewhat Easier by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse Library
This dictionary of terms related to noise and noise control is a useful tool for those who are investigating how to reduce the amount of noise pollution in their environment. The original authors did an excellent job of defining terms associated with sound... View more
Kamus Keuangan
Safir Senduk |
The glossary contains terms used in daily household financial planning, i.e. planning at family level (in contrast with corporate or state level).
Compiled by Safir Senduk, a prominent trainer for family financial planning.
Vocabulaire des procédures parlementaires / Glossary of Parliamentary Procedure
Procedural Services of the House of Commons |
Very useful glossary related to administrative processes.
Note to users of the electronic version: This document has been configured to toggle between equivalent terms in English and French. Where there is more than one possibility, the link points to the closest equivalent term in the other language.
Note aux utilisateurs d... View more
The Glossary has been prepared by the International Center for Accounting Reform (ICAR) covering Accounting, Audit and financial terminology in use throughout most industries and economic sectors. To compile the Glossary, ICAR undertook a wide consultation exercise with interested parties and used terminology of its previous publications of its par... View more
How to talk house...
John Laing Homes Corporate |
Homebuying has its own special language. Here is a helpful glossary of common terms you may encounter.
English - Russian Student's Dictionary
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
English - Russian Student's Dictionary (pocket dictionary) , circa 40,000 search words
Dictionary of Foreign Words In Russian language
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Circa 8000 words
Английские фразы, идиомы и пословицы с переводом на русский язык English - Russian Dictionary of Phrases and Idioms
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Английские фразы, идиомы и пословицы с переводом на русский язык (более 70 000 фраз) English - Russian Dictionary of Phrases and Idioms (more than 70000 entries)
Explanatory UFOlogy Dictionary
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Free online dictionary. The Dictionary is the first attempt in the lexicography to optimize UFO terminology. It contains 853 articles. The heading of the article is printed in Bold, English and German equivalents - in Italic, words and word combination in the text of the articles are printed in Italic and underlined, in the articles there are refe... View more
Latin Russian Latin Anatomy dictionary
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Circa 8000 search words
Irritable Bowel/Crohn's Disease Glossary
National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse |
An English monolingual glossary of medical terms relating to irritable bowel/Crohn's disease.
Glossary of Climate Change Terms
US Environmental Protection Agency |
Global Warming - Glossary of Climate Change Terms
Digestive Health and Disease: A Glossary
National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse |
Digestive Health and Disease
Textile Definitions |
This unique and extensive database houses more than five thousand words and expressions in English relating to the Textile sector, ranging from the various types of fabrics to the industrial processes applicable to Fabrics, Fiber, yarn etc. The database provides indepth explanations and cross-references. You can browse by Alphabetical Index or you ... View more
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English contains over 40,000 entries. With simple, clear definitions, this online tool provides a wealth of sample sentences and idioms
Multilingual EU terminology database
Government of Slovenia |
Evroterm is a database of terms established in the course of preparing the Slovene version of legal acts of the European Union. The terms are compiled and edited by the terminologists at the Translation Unit of the Government Office for European Affairs (GOEA) of the Republic of Slovenia and the web interface was developed by the Slovenian Governme... View more
Haus & Heim Team |
Umfassendes einsprachiges Glossar über Gebäudetechnik, Handwerksausrüstung, Architektur, Innenausbau, Klempnern. Enthält viele Links auf andere relevante Seiten.
Glossary of UK Parliament
Explore Parliament |
British monolingual of political terms with definitions and cross-references.
Parliamentary Terms
Canadian Parliament |
Lexicon of terms relating to parliamentary procedure
An invaluable resource for Irish technical translators - a very comprehensive termbank of common and not so common Microsoft terms and English definitions of same. You must have a MS Password/Hotmail login to access the glossary
Stock Market Glossary
TD Waterhouse, |
Basic glossary of stock market and investing terms for a consumer audience.
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade
Office of National Drug Control Policy |
Street Terms: Drugs and the Drug Trade The Street Terms database contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. The database is used by police officers, parents, treatment providers and others who require a better understanding of drug culture. You can also download a printable version of Street Terms (P... View more
good dictionaries from Porto Editora, a Portuguese pubshing house. You have Portuguese-Portuguese (free, just register) and Port.-French/English/German (free trial for 14 days).