Track this forum | Téma | Közzétette Válaszok (Megtekintések) Utolsó hozzászólás | | Expert Accent-Identifier / L1-Identifier - Senegal | 1 (554) | | The hazards of pronouncing foreign names | 14 (2,401) | | Mimicking a foreign accent ( 1, 2... 3) | 31 (16,889) | | Off-topic: How can I pronounce them? (from Irish) | 1 (978) | | Pronuncing and writing '' ( 1... 2) | 18 (19,048) | | 1. CONtroversy or 2. conTROversy ? ( 1, 2... 3) | 42 (65,560) | | In desperate help for someone to help me understand a test.....can send it ASAP ...need it done asap | 13 (5,615) | | A Bronx Tale: differences in accent among New York boroughs and/or social classes? | 7 (4,768) | | equiv of English is Tough Stuff poem in other langs | 6 (9,232) | | How do you say IBAN in English? | 12 (14,424) | | American English | 1 (2,685) | | Questionnaire on Accents | 0 (2,319) | | "you have an accent" ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 73 (46,047) | | Jail and gaol | 14 (20,253) | | French pronounciation | 1 (2,598) | | Pronunciation of Latin ( 1... 2) | 23 (40,689) | | Swedish phonetics | 4 (5,306) | | Place names ( 1... 2) | 24 (21,349) | | Off-topic: I can't stand this: the Glottal Fry phenomenon | 12 (11,801) | | How native/ nonnative do Abba songs sound? ( 1... 2) | 29 (24,796) | | Pronunciation of @ et al. throughout the world ( 1... 2) | 19 (17,981) | | Geographical and personal names pronunciation | 4 (7,173) | | Quechua pronunciation | 5 (12,476) | | Phonetics and Translation ( 1... 2) | 26 (17,878) | | Magnet | 13 (8,614) | | IPA for "ungreeked" | 5 (6,595) | | Rapeeporn | 5 (10,198) | | Enquiry/Inquiry | 10 (20,538) | | Pronunciation of the "i" without the dot in Turkish ( 1... 2) | 16 (28,090) | | Here and hear/ Q. for native speakers ( 1... 2) | 21 (20,489) | | How do you pronounce "Nida" (as in Eugene Nida)? | 7 (15,410) | | Wording and pronunciation of '*' ( 1... 2) | 15 (15,119) | | Off-topic: Worst-choice goalkeeper | 1 (14,189) | | Wording and pronunciation of '(', '[' and '{' ( 1... 2) | 17 (17,297) | | Wording and pronunciation of '#' ( 1... 2) | 21 (17,645) | | German pronunciation of "@" in email address | 7 (16,306) | | Wording and pronunciation of '&' | 7 (20,576) | | Do you appreciate being corrected? ( 1... 2) | 19 (17,724) | | Mod: Pronunciation of Haiti ( 1... 2) | 29 (31,405) | | How is the year "2010" supposed to be pronounced in English, please? ( 1... 2) | 20 (19,153) | | Swedish mispronunciations for your scrutiny | 14 (11,156) | | Common American pronunciation of \"applicable\" ( 1... 2) | 15 (24,608) | | Pronunciation of US place names | 6 (10,447) | | Pronunciation of Catalan surnames in other languages | 0 (10,348) | | Pronunciation question: Milton's Areopagitica | 3 (12,418) | | Question about pronunciation | 13 (10,110) | | Phonological query | 13 (29,287) | | need help on Swedish pronunciation in literature | 3 (6,831) | | Have any idea on reading or pronouncing foreign names? | 11 (9,790) | | Need to know how to pronouce Greek math symbols | 3 (6,991) | Új téma indítása Nem szakmai: Megjelenítve Betűméret: -/+ | | = Új hozzászólások a legutóbbi látogatása óta ( = Nem tartalmaz új hozzászólásokat a legutóbbi látogatása óta ( = Több mint 15 hozzászólás) = A téma le van zárva (Nem lehet új hozzászólást tenni) | Fordítási szakmai fórumokA fordítással, tolmácsolással és lokalizálással kapcsolatos témák nyílt megvitatása. TM-Town | Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business
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