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Milyen fordítási projekten dolgozol ebben a pillanatban?

Paola Tomassini a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Translating a patent Italian to English about a protection device for TV and screens, 2000 w. Sounds interesting!


I Do That

Paola Tomassini a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Translation of the website's legal terms of a worldwide famous social media for young people. 1500 W EN>IT


I Do That

Paola Tomassini a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Just finished a review of an internal note of an important Healt Insurance Company. German to Italian


I Do That

Paola Tomassini a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Patent for a device to get safe drinking water in developing countries, English to Italian


I Do That