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Milyen fordítási projekten dolgozol ebben a pillanatban?
Robin Wu a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Recruitment of On-Site English <> Chinese Simplified Interpreters Location: Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, China We are currently seeking non-local interpreters, including those from Wuxi, Changzhou, and Suzhou, to join our team. Applicants from more distant areas are also welcome to apply. Job Details: Start Date: Monday, October 9 (specific dates are flexible) Full-time availability on workdays is preferred Compensation: Please provide your daily, weekly (5 days), and monthly full-time rates based on your availability and experience. Confidentiality: The industry and company details will not be disclosed at this time. If you are a skilled interpreter looking for exciting opportunities in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, please submit your application with the following information: Updated resume/CV Language pairs Availability Rates (daily, weekly, and monthly) Please send your application to [email protected]. We look forward to reviewing your application and potentially working together to provide exceptional interpretation services. Thank you for your interest.

On-Site English <> Chinese Simplified Interpreters


I Do That

  • angol - kínai