Job closed
This job was closed at Apr 15, 2024 19:00 GMT.

Requirement for freelance translators and subtitlers to join our pool

Meghirdetve: Apr 8, 2024 11:04 GMT   (GMT: Apr 8, 2024 11:04)

Job type: Potenciális munka
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, Voiceover, Summarization, Education, Transcription, Copywriting, MT post-editing, Transcreation, Subtitling, Captioning, Subtitling, Checking/Editing/QC, Subtitling, Time Coding, Subtitling, Translation, Subtitling, SDH/HOH, Language instruction, Native speaker conversation, Sworn/Certified Translation
Vállalaton belüli állás

Nyelvek: afrikaans - angol, angol - kínai, angol - német, arab - angol, eve - angol, fon - angol, francia - holland, görög - angol, héber - angol, japán - angol, olasz - angol, orosz - angol

A munka leírása:
I'm Leon Bichat, Project Director at TTT ENGLISH MISSION CENTER.

TTT ENGLISH MISSION CENTER is a fast-growing language company and we are gradually having a lot of requirements for various language pairs.
We are looking for talented and flexible freelance translators that are quality-driven to join our pool for a long-term collaboration.

If you'd like to join our pool, meet our requirements and can work with our rates and TC, please fill our vendor registration form : [HIDDEN] to join our pool.

Warm regards,

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Fizetés módja: Online PayPal-lal
Payment terms: 60 nap a számla dátumától.
Poster country: Benin

Szolgáltató kiválasztásának szempontjai (a munka meghirdetője által meghatározva):
info Preferált anyanyelv: Célnyelv(ek)
Tárgy: IT (Információtechnológia)
Árajánlat benyújtásának határideje: Apr 15, 2024 19:00 GMT
További követelmények:
Native Speaker
Minimum 3 years of experience
További információért lásd: URL nem jelenik meg

A megbízóról:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer.

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: Requirement for freelance translators and subtitlers