Quoting deadline expired
The quoting deadline for this job passed at May 31, 2024 22:00 GMT.

EU Tender (EN to RO and PL)

Meghirdetve: Apr 5, 2024 09:56 GMT   (GMT: Apr 5, 2024 09:56)
Elbírálás és értesítések elküldve: Apr 5, 2024 16:14 GMT

Job type: Potenciális munka
Service required: Translation

Nyelvek: angol - lengyel, angol - román

A munka leírása:
We are preparing for a tender for the translation of EU texts in the EN-RO and EN-PL language pairs. The tender is organised by the European Parliament and the duration of this project is 5 years.

As a first step, we will focus on collecting a sufficient number of vendors, their documents (diplomas) and a signed attachment stating that the supplier is bidding with our company, Summa Linguae.
The next step will be a test, which will take place on 17 June. After its results, we hope to win the tender and be able to work together on this 5-year project.

Key responsibilities:
- Translating English source documents into Romanian with the utmost accuracy and fluency.
- Ensure compliance with rigorous EU documentation standards, demonstrating knowledge of platforms such as IATE and Eur-Lex.
- Effective use of SDL Trados Studio to optimise translation processes.
- Participate in client evaluations and carefully prepare all necessary documentation for bidding.

I attach a link to the offer with more details.

I look forward to your reply!

Szolgáltató kiválasztásának szempontjai (a munka meghirdetője által meghatározva):
Tagsági szint: Nem ProZ.com-tagok 12 óra eltelte után adhatnak árajánlatot
info Preferált anyanyelv: Célnyelv(ek)
Tárgy: Jog (általános)
Árajánlat benyújtásának határideje: May 31, 2024 22:00 GMT
További követelmények:
- Fluency in the Romanian/Polish language.
- Proven knowledge of English at C2 level.
- Proficiency in the use of SDL Trados Studio.
- University degree from a recognised institution, with at least 3 years of study completed.
- Experience in translating EU documentation for the European Parliament or other European institutions.
További információért lásd: URL nem jelenik meg

A megbízóról:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer.

Note: You cannot quote because the quoting deadline has passed.

Contact person title: Project Manager

Beérkezett árajánlatok száma: 12
angol - román:8
angol - lengyel:4