Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 13 '21 eng>ara Curiosity killed the cat الفضول قتل القطة- الفضول قتل صاحبه pro closed no
- Aug 16 '16 eng>ara A Humble Experience تجربة غير ثرية pro closed no
- Dec 13 '12 eng>ara one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brakes كمن رقص على السلم فلا عنب الشام نالوا ولا بلح اليمن طالوا. pro closed no
- Dec 17 '11 ara>eng جوانب القصور insufficiency pro closed no
- Nov 18 '11 eng>ara bite off more than you can chew رحم الله امرئ عرف قدر نفسه pro closed ok
- Sep 27 '11 eng>ara You cannot burn the candle at both ends يفرط في السهر و أو في النشاط اليومي pro closed ok
- Jun 20 '11 ara>eng إن غداً لناظره قريب tomorrow is not too long to wait pro closed no
4 May 22 '11 ara>eng لا خاب من استشار Advice is ever in want pro closed no
- Oct 12 '10 eng>ara Everyone dies, not everyone lives عش الحياة، فالحياة قصيرة pro closed no
- Dec 21 '09 ara>eng العلاوة فى الكاوتش How to Survive on such Salary pro open no
4 Nov 2 '09 ara>eng أكلت يوم أكل الثور الأبيض The potter eats from a broken bowl pro closed no
4 Oct 27 '09 ara>eng الحى أبقى من الميت The living is more important than the dead pro closed no
- Aug 27 '09 eng>ara a leap in the dark عواقب لا يعلمها إلا الله pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '09 eng>ara put his cards on the table يتحدث بصراحة pro closed ok
- Mar 1 '09 ara>eng دف نعليك for I heard your footsteps pro closed no
4 Nov 29 '08 ara>eng القيل والقال gossip pro closed ok
- Nov 16 '08 eng>ara political correctness الصواب السياسي pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '08 eng>ara A rolling stone gathers no moss. عاقبة الطمع إلى الزوال pro just_closed no
- Feb 22 '08 ara>eng إن أنت أكرمت الكريم ملكته وإن أنت أكرمت اللئيم تمردا‏ Be generous to a generous person and you'd win him, be generous to a mean person and he'd rebel on y pro closed no
4 Feb 13 '08 eng>ara kangaroo court ‏المحكمة الكنغرية pro closed no
- Jan 23 '08 eng>ara to fight like cat and dog اتباع أسلوب الكر والفر في المعركة pro closed ok
- Jan 11 '08 eng>ara A malevolent person will appear friendly until he/she gets a chance to harm you تظهر معادن الرجال فى الازمات، تظهر معادن الرجال عند الشدائد، الصديق وقت الضيق pro closed ok
- Jan 1 '08 eng>ara ıt never rains but pours أول الغيث قطرة pro just_closed no
4 Jan 1 '08 ara>eng يصطاد في المياه العكرة to fish in troubled water pro closed no
- Dec 31 '07 eng>ara we are in the same boat نلاقي مصير واحد pro closed no
- Dec 27 '07 ara>eng تعددت الأسباب و الموت واحد he who does not die pro closed ok
- Jul 9 '07 ara>eng اذا حضر الماء بطل التيمم If the water is available you need not clean up with sand pro closed ok
- Jun 5 '07 eng>ara Yuppie شاب ناجح في عمله مغرم بأحدث الأشياء pro closed no
4 May 30 '07 eng>ara How do you say I miss you إني افتقدك easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered