Powwow Report for Spanyolország - Puerto Real (Cádiz) (Sep 9 2023)

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Report from  Kristin Andrea Reichel
It was a pleasure to meet with so many excellent professionals. In the debate before the meal we shared very valuable information about work tools, we discussed the influence of artificial intelligence on the translation and interpretation market, and finally we talked about the advantages of joining professional associations.
The lunch covered a bit of everything and was a lot of fun and very enjoyable. I would like to thank everyone for attending.

Photos from  Kristin Andrea Reichel

Photos from  Kristin Andrea Reichel

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Conchi Barés
Ismael Marín Castañeda
Antoine Robardey
Jelena Morgan
Sara Jiménez Gómez
Kristin Andrea Reichel

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