Translation glossary: International/migration law

Showing entries 1-13 of 13
alanyi jogsubjective right 
Hungarian to English
allochtoneof foreign origin, immigrant 
Dutch to English
apatridestateless person 
French to English
arbeidsmigrantenmigrant workers 
Dutch to English
greenhouse effecteffet de serre 
English to French
greenhouse gasles gaz à effet de serre 
English to French
Kyoto Protocol (to the UN framework convention on climate change)Protocole de Kyoto (à la Convention-Cadre sur les Modifications Climatiques des Nations-Unies) 
English to French
no-go zonezone de non-droit 
English to French
officier de l'etat civilcivil registrar 
French to English
officier de l'etat civilcivil registrar 
French to English
rechtshandhavingmaintenance of law and order 
Dutch to English
sans-papiersundocumented migrants 
French to English
service pluridépartementalinterdepartmental service 
French to English
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