Powwow Report for Magyarország - Budapest (Apr 11 2011)

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Report from  Martin Bruckmann

Dear all,

First of all I would lke to thank Csaba Bán for having dealt with the logistics of organizing this informal meeting in Budapest, at "Csarnok Vendéglő", this lovely small restaurant, almost just accross the street behind the National Bank of Hungary.

This gathering gave me the opportunity to get in touch with up to then unknown fellow translators, mostly Hungarians, but also people coming from abroad, people I probably would never have met otherwise, but with which the ice was broken within the 5 first minutes of conversation, and people with which I definitely intend to keep in touch from now on.

It is always nice to see that most of us follow the same kind of evolution path, going slowly from individual freelance translator to project manager and then later to business manager, and that we all face, at some point, the same challenges. Knowing that others do things as we do is reassuring, knowing in advance how they surpassed each difficulty is an unvaluable help to give us the courage to face those "problems" that are, after all, not as big as we first thought.

My only regret was that this table of 16, although not that big, was still too big for us to be able to talk to everyone. Next time we shall think of some kind of "table tournante" scheme to give us such an opportunity :-)

Looking forward to our next time,

Best regards,


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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Csaba Ban
Susan Starling
Robert Kovacs
Bertold Kiss
Dora Miklody
Martin Bruckmann
Gyorgy Banhegyi
Andras Vajda
Nóra Demeter
Erika Orosz
Adrian Oltean

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