Powwow Report for Spanyolország - Valencia (May 11 2013)

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The report by Gary Smith Lawson has not been submitted yet

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Birgit Hollmann
Duncan Gates
Maria Soares
Gary Smith Lawson
Greg Hunt
Markus Hoedl
Eva Giner
Andrew Darling

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

May 20 '13  Maria Soares: Powwow Valencia
Ha sido mi primer Powwow y ha sido muy interesante conocer a otros compañeros y poder trocar experiencias. Muchas gracias Gary, por esta oportunidad.
May 19 '13  Greg Hunt: Thanks
I had a good time and it was really nice to meet everyone. The photos are great as well. ¡Hasta la próxima!
May 14 '13  Andrew Darling: Thanks
It was a pleasure to meet everyone at our first powwow. We had a really nice afternoon. Many thanks Gary and we\'ll hopefully see you all again soon.
May 14 '13  Eva Giner: gracias
Muchas gracias por las fotos Gary y por preocuparte por la organización de todo. A ver si nos vemos prontito todos en otra quedada
May 14 '13  Gary Smith Lawson: Photos
Here are some of the photos:

May 14 '13  Gary Smith Lawson: Another pleasant get-together.
As always, great to see familiar faces and meet some new ones. A nice paella by the sunny beach, then some drinks in the marina. Summer\'s here!