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Milyen fordítási projekten dolgozol ebben a pillanatban?

John Colangelo a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

A translation from Arabic into English on an introduction into the sciences of the Quran.


I Do That

John Colangelo a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Getting my act together.


I Do That

John Colangelo a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

2 cmv


I Do That

John Colangelo a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Translating website content from English into Spanish and Arabic.


I Do That

1 user

John Colangelo a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Working on Arabic grammar for Spanish speakers and commentary of the Holy Quran.


I Do That

John Colangelo a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Working on a Technical Assistance Agreement from English into Arabic.


I Do That

John Colangelo a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

I am translating a study on the religious discourse of one of the ideological founders of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sayid Qutb, from Arabic into Spanish.


I Do That