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Milyen fordítási projekten dolgozol ebben a pillanatban?

Clare Rainey a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Recently completed a ES>EN transcription of a police interview.


2 usersI Do That

Clare Rainey a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Just completed a short but incredibly interesting ES>EN transcrption.


I Do That

Clare Rainey a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Currently working on a text for a museum about the history of paper. Fascinating!


1 userI Do That

Clare Rainey a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Just finished a 30 000 word image-based translation, largely exam papers and textbooks.


I Do That

Clare Rainey a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Just completed a 30,000 general translation for a global brand!


1 userI Do That

Clare Rainey a ProZ.com oldalról megosztotta:

Currently working on a business document for a global fitness brand, 5700 words, PT>EN.


I Do That

  • portugál - angol