spanyol - angol
olasz - angol
portugál - angol

Amani Harrison
Medical-Legal Translator

Egyesült Államok

Anyanyelve: angol Native in angol
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Degree in medicine from the Universidad Central del Ecuador. Experience working as a rural physician in Ecuador.  I have translated medical, pharmaceutical trial documents and published research articles as well as preparing documents in Spanish. I have also assisted in providing onsite interpretation services in clinical settings.

I specialize in Spanish to English, Italian-English and Portuguese to English legal, business and medical translations. I have managed a law firm translation department and worked as a project manager for a boutique legal translation agency.

I'm an experienced attorney and linguist, who has practiced in the United States and Latin America. My experience as an attorney includes drafting legal documents in Spanish and English as well as translating a wide array of legal, financial and business documents from Spanish to English. Practice areas included general corporate, mergers & acquisitions, securities, contracts, oil & gas, mining, project finance and intellectual property.

J.D. Georgetown University Law Center
S.B. East Asian Languages and History, MIT

Translation output:
-- Standard: up to 3,000 words/day
-- Urgent/rush: over 3,000 words/day.  Prices are negotiable based on document type, subject matter, urgency and the need for short-term versus long-term availability etc.

Passed the ATA Spanish to English certification exam. 

Ez a felhasználó más fordítóknak segített PRO-szintű kifejezések fordításában, és így KudoZ-pontokat szerzett. Kattintson a pontok összegére a kifejezések megadott fordításainak megtekintéséhez.

Összes szerzett pont: 48
(Összes PRO-szintű)

Nyelv (PRO)
spanyol - angol48
Legtöbb pontot szerzett általános területek (PRO)
Legtöbb pontot szerzett specifikus területek (PRO)
Jog: Szerződés(ek)16
Üzlet/kereskedelem (általános)12
Pénzügy (általános)8
Kormányzás / politika4
Jog (általános)4
Haszonállatok / állattenyésztés4

Összes szerzett pont megtekintése >
Kulcsszavak: Spanish, English, attorney, lawyer, law, contracts, securities, corporate, business, financial. See more.Spanish, English, attorney, lawyer, law, contracts, securities, corporate, business, financial, Spain, Latin America, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, intellectual property, trademarks, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Republica Dominicana, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Venezuela, abogado, abogada, mergers, acquisitions, patents, domain names, legal, certified. See less.

A profillap utolsó frissítése
Mar 4

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