Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Kompendier i Skåne |
Various IT, computer hardware and software terms, as well as fringe subjects like digital photography and video.
Dizionario dei Termini Cinematografici
Dizionario dei termini cinematografici, di Francesco Vedovati, edito dall'Ente dello Spettacolo |
Oltre 10000 termini ed espressioni in uso nell'industria cinematografica e televisiva, Eng>-
English glossary on film vocabulary
Great site to help you understand what a game is like, find links to other websites for the same game, understand buttons and moves, tactics. Games are previewed before they go on sale, tests are done after games come out on the market (usually within the first week) and forums can be helpful if you don't understand certain actions, or buttons. F... View more
Some hi-tech English is included - very helpful