Browse links of Szleng glossaries
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View all | 26-42 of 42 results
The Alternative Persian Dictionary
The Alternative Persian Dictionary |
Persian slang and slurs as part of the Alternative Dictionaries Project.
This dictionary consists of contributions made by voluntary Internet users. The entries are not guaranteed to be accurate. No responsibility is taken for the content. Although the entries may describe terms that are racist, sexist, blasphemous or derogatory in other wa... View more
perzsa (fárszi)
perzsa (fárszi)
perzsa (fárszi)
perzsa (fárszi)
Deutsch-�sterreichisches W�rterbuch
Roland Russwurm |
German-Austrian dictionary, searchable, new contributions are welcome. Includes a discussion forum, information on the linguistic distribution of terms, and text examples illustrating various Austrian dialects.
American Slang Dictionary
PSCs Corporation |
The American Slang Dictionary
United States Army Air Force Glossary and Abbreviations
USAAF Resource Center | http://www.warbirdsresourcegroup.or...
Terms and abbreviations as well as war slang of USAAF. was designed to provide individuals with a complete and accurate resource for researching the acronyms and terminology of the United States Armed Forces. With 23580 words in its database, offers visitors access to an extremely large and detailed collection of military terminology. New words, phrases, and acronyms are being... View more
glossaire qu�b�cois
Philip A. Butt |
glossaire de termes québécois (joual) avec leur équivalent en français courant
Le dictionnaire de la zone
Cobra le Cynique |
Tout l'argot des banlieues
Double-Tongued Word Wrester records undocumented or under-documented words from the fringes of English. It focuses upon slang, jargon, and other niche categories which include new, foreign, hybrid, archaic, obsolete, and rare words. Special attention is paid to the lending and borrowing of words between the various Englishes and other languages, ev... View more
Maria Simonetti |
Slangopedia" è il vocabolario on-line dei linguaggi giovanili: la prima "enciclopedia dello slang", appunto, nata da un'inchiesta del 1998 dell'Espresso. "Slangopedia" is a slang dictionary.
Brazilian slang, divided into categories.
Slang glossary
Ted Duckworth |
A monster online dictionary of the rich colourful language we call slang... all from a British perspective, with new slang added every month. If you are unable to immediately find the term you are looking for, try the slang search. A short essay giving an outline of the parameters of this site and brief information on slang can be accessed on the i... View more
The database of various -often deragotary- nicknames given to nations
Tekdilli Türkçe kadın argosu sözlüğü; çok kapsamlı ve güncel.
!!Dikkat!! *Ağır* argo ve açık saçık sözler içermektedir. İnciniyorsanız tıklamayın.
Vietnam Veteran's Terminology and Slang
Military Terms & Slang from the Vietnam War
The Sixties Project |
A complete glossary of military terms & slang from the Vietnam War