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Search results: (299 matches)
FórumTémaCímSzövegKözzétetteIdő suggestions New Messenger-just like Skype I know [quote]Tadej Kokalj wrote: Hi! MSN Messenger
is already supported (BTW I have it in my
profile). With new Messenger is possible to call
another computer, but it is possible to call
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jul 15, 2006 suggestions New Messenger-just like Skype New Messenger-just like Skype I post this here as well, since this is a
suggestion for improving the profile, and will
result in improved comminication between
translators and customers/clients. I use MS
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jul 15, 2006 job systems Skype me!, but what about the new Messenger? Skype me!, but what about the new Messenger? I use MS Messenger, and in the latest version it
is possible to call another PC, just like Skype.
It is also possible to use video conversations
(like Skype). The thing is that I belie
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jul 14, 2006
Trados support Word 2007 and Trados 7 ? Beta? Looks like Word 2007 is a beta
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 16, 2006
Trados support Trados Workbench doesn't recognize anymore Multiterm 6.2 Uninstall-Install-Uninstall-Install I have had this kind of problems. After
uninstalling all Trados related software and
Multiterm (remember backup of Multiterm
glossaries!), and reinstallation the problems
should dis
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 14, 2006
Norwegian Har gått bort fra Trados-rabatter Har gått bort fra Trados-rabatter Hei, Etter å ha lest om å gå bort fra
Trados-rabatter slo det meg at min danske
oversetterkollega har rett. Jeg har vanligvis gitt
rabatter for Tr
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad May 14, 2006
Wordfast support Wordperfect and Wordfast? Wordperfect and Wordfast? Is it possible to run Wordfast with Wordperfect?
This is what Wordperfect write on their
website: Corel WordPerfect Office X3 supports
three scripting languages—PerfectScript™,
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad May 8, 2006
Trados support Spell check in TE-MS spellchecker works Spell check in TE-MS spellchecker works I use SDL Trados 2006, and untill recently the
spellchecker did not work (only the Wintertree,
not so good spellchecker worked). Last time I used
TE I tried to activate MS spellchecker plu
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad May 6, 2006
Wordfast support Easy way to analyse multiple documents in Wordfast? Easy It's easy: Choose tools, and click on the text
"Select documents". Wordfast will ask: "Open one
file in the disired folder". Press OK, and choose
the folder you like on your hard drive.
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 26, 2006
Trados support Multiterm and Trados SDLX problem with term rec It's strange It's strange, but after uninstalling, registering,
installing, etc etc for several days it suddenly
started to work. I am not able to use Multiterm
together with SDL Trados. Do not ask me
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 10, 2006
Trados support Merge ttx files for Trados Analyse and export unknown segments Try to analyse all the files. Then press "export
unknown segments". Enter 99 procent before
processing, and be careful to choose "Word" as
file type before saving the new file. Translat
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 9, 2006
Trados support Multiterm and Trados SDLX problem with term rec No avail I have tried this, and tried to remove and
reinstall, tried to install the older version etc,
but to no avail. This is the first time I
experience something like this with Trados.
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 7, 2006
Trados support Multiterm and Trados SDLX problem with term rec Multiterm and Trados SDLX problem with term rec I am using Translator's Workbench/SDLX, Version
7.50.756, and Multiterm 702.327. I have had a
break from using Trados, but now I cannot work
with Trados and Multiterm. When I choose to<
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 6, 2006
Norwegian non-payment Videre [quote]Vedis Bjørndal wrote: Det er klart jeg
var dum som påtok meg disse jobbene uten å vite
noe om de egentlige oppdragsgiverne. Kan jeg
kreve å få vite hvem dette er? Eller vi
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 6, 2006
Norwegian non-payment Norge/utland? Hei, Jeg ville tatt kontakt med et
inkassobyrå. Så lenge kunden din ikke er konkurs
så har du jo loven på din side, samt mulighet
for å drive inn pengene. Ivan
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 6, 2006
Trados support How many more versions of Trados??! Link [quote]ryancolm wrote: I just spent around 170
euros on upgrading my Trados from 6.5 to 7.1. Now
there's (yet another) Early Bird special to
upgrade to Trados 7.5 (out in March), and SD
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 7, 2006
Trados support Help with TRADOS spellcheck Same here [quote]Luca Tutino wrote: Once again I cannot
use spell-checking with my TagEditor (SDL Trados
FL 7.1). My Plug-ins window is empty. I tried to
use "register Trados SDL FL" (!?!?!?) onc
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 7, 2006
Trados support Import MT 6.2 into MT 7 Try this If you do a regular export to xml from 6.2, it
should be possible to import the xml file into
ver. 7. Just "create a new database", choose to
use a xdt-file in this process (this was creat
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Nov 18, 2005
Wordfast support How to format pretranslated segments? MS Word version [quote]Heinrich Pesch wrote: As I stated
above. Regards Heinrich[/quote] It might
depend of version of MS Word. Works fine in ver
9., service pack 3. I have picked up that ver 10
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Oct 22, 2005 technical support how to link my profile page Works here [quote]Martin Schmurr wrote: on 2 co-ProZians say
if they click on my links like, not mine but
their own profile
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Oct 22, 2005
Wordfast support How to format pretranslated segments? SR If you choose search for format-language-german,
and replace with format-font-text effects-red
marching ants Word will find all the text marked
as german, and put the red marching ant effe
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Oct 21, 2005
Trados support Testing TE on Word-files Testing TE on Word-files I have been testing TE for translation doc-files
(Word 2000, English ver, SP 3). This normally
works fine, but I have one question: When the
doc-file contains the character produced wit
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jul 14, 2005
CAT Tools Technical Help Wearing out the "Get" button in Trados? Fixed [quote]Ivan Eikås Skjøstad wrote: When
getting a 100% match I have to use the "GET"
function, the only function without a short
key... [/quote] Trados has fixed this now
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 29, 2005
Trados support How to install/upgrade Trados 7 successfully How to install/upgrade Trados 7 successfully I have just upgraded from 6.5 to 7, and just
wanted to explain how I did the upgrade, since I
now have a fully working system with Trados 7
installed and working just fine. First I back
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 25, 2005
Wordfast support Not very helpful error message Excel I have experienced this as well, and I opened the
TM in Excel. Doing this helped a lot to spot the
error, and it was then quite easy to fix. Good
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jun 23, 2005
Norwegian Angrefrist e.l Ikke forbrukerkjøp Som regel er det ikke snakk om forbrukerkjøp, men
"business to business". Dersom kunden din kommer
tilbake og ønsker at du retter opp oversettelsen
bør du vurdere selv om du mener det e
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad May 21, 2005
Wordfast support Very helpful Macro for deleting text in target segments Very helpful Macro for deleting text in target segments I asked a question on the Wordfast group at Yahoo
today, and was given the soloution to my questions
regardin how to delete the text in the target
segment after typing in your translation:
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 23, 2005
Trados support Matches in Trados 6.5 Yes I normally reorganise the TM before any export
etc, so I do this on a regular basis.
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 13, 2005
Trados support Matches in Trados 6.5 Matches in Trados 6.5 I use Translator's Workbench, Version 6.5
Freelance 5.438. I am currently working on an
xml-file, and this time TagEditor opened the file
(medium size) after just 20 seconds, adding the
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 13, 2005
Trados support Multiterm is not recognizing entered terms Now it works! I used the meny system in Windows and run the
"Register"-command (MS DOS command)for Trados
6.5. Now I have term rec in both Multiterm
versions. Fantastic! This trick might work for<
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 11, 2005
Trados support Multiterm is not recognizing entered terms Me too... My term rec is not working, and the reason is most
likely that I had to install my old
while was still installed... ...but
shouldn't the two multiterm versions be ab
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 11, 2005
Trados support List over all available shortcuts, Workbench 6/6.5 Thanks! Thank you. Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 10, 2005
Trados support List over all available shortcuts, Workbench 6/6.5 List over all available shortcuts, Workbench 6/6.5 I remember to have read in this forum that a list
(maybe a pdf-file) of all shortcuts was available
for Trados Workbench, ver 6. I think the link for
this was made available some months ag
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Apr 10, 2005
Trados support Concordance for both refTM and current TM not possible? Like this As mentioned: Open a new glossary in Multiterm and
choose to open using the predefined settings found
in the XTD-file produced auomatically during the
conversion. This should do the tri
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 18, 2005
Trados support Tip for huge word-files Interesting Thank you for your comment. This is interesting
reading. I will try this on a smaller project some
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 9, 2005
Trados support Tip for huge word-files Tip for huge word-files We have all worked with huge word-files with a lot
of formatting with the result that Word
crashes.... I am working with a 200+ pages
document now, and when using Wordfast or Trados
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 9, 2005
Norwegian Fakstjeneste via e-post Faksmodem kan brukes For dem som har ISDN (i tillegg til ADSL?) prøver
jeg for tiden ut et program som heter RVSCom Lite.
Programmet kan kjøpes for 95 NOK på, og sammen med f.eks. et faksmod
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 5, 2005
Internet for translators Accessing MS Outlook mail when on the road POP I assume that you download your mail using the
POP-protocol. I do not know about hotmail, but if
you set up an yahoo-account you can set it to
download your pop-mail. In Outlook you mig
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Mar 3, 2005
Wordfast support Import WF TM into Trados Export, import Create a new TM in Trados, translate one word i MS
Word to make sure you have one TU, export as
Trados txt format. Open this export txt-file
in Notepad, and check the heading of the
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 9, 2005
Trados support Concordance for both refTM and current TM not possible? Error messages [quote]Ralf Lemster wrote: 512MB should be
sufficient - what error message (if any) do you
get when trying to open larger files?
[/quote] I do not get any error messages, but
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 8, 2005
Trados support Concordance for both refTM and current TM not possible? Good news, multiterm and Excel I just want to mention a couple of other "things",
and hope this is not considered a derailment from
the original issue: I have used Trados 6.5 a
lot lately due to a special project, an
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 8, 2005
Trados support Concordance for both refTM and current TM not possible? Workaround I just realised that I have a work around that
will work for the part of the current TM that is
translated: Export the current TM, and import
it into the Backgroung TM... This will e
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 8, 2005
Trados support Concordance for both refTM and current TM not possible? Concordance for both refTM and current TM not possible? I am working in Trados FL, and have
enabled all switches in the Concordance function,
execpt the one about moving the cursor into the
Concordance dialog box. My question is:
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 8, 2005
Trados support Oops-go back one TU Oops-go back one TU If you work in MS Word, and you would like to go
one TU back, you will have to do the
following: End the TU you are working
with Move your mouse back to the last
TU Open the l
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 6, 2005
Trados support Move backup? Thanks Thank you for clearing this matter. Now I
understand. I should have known better, but
usually I take backups of my TM's directly, but I
thought this function could make life
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 3, 2005
Trados support Move backup? Move backup? I am currenly using Trados FL, (439) and
TagEditor (439) When I choose
Translation Memory Option-Tools-Keep Backup-Move
Files, and choose a destination nothing seem
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 3, 2005
Norwegian Can noen anbefale et datafirma? Infolink Jeg har god erfaring med ypperlig service fra
denne nettbutikken, som også reklamerer med at de
er eksperter på gjenoppretting av tapte data på
defekte harddisker. De skriver også:
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Feb 1, 2005
Software applications Need program for my glossaries Try wordfast [quote] Christian wrote: Hi! I have a couple of
Excel files which I use for my glossaries.
Unfortunately, working with these Excel glossaries
is not really practical, so I would like to
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 30, 2005
General technical issues How often should we trade in the computer for a newer model to insure speed? Trados recommends [quote]yolanda Speece wrote: I have a computer
I have owned since 2001. It is a COMPAQ PRESARIO
5003. It has an Intel Pentium III processor
(933MHz) 128 MB of Memory,60 GB Hard Drive.
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 29, 2005
Danish 1984... IKKE-PERSON tror jeg var brukt i den norske utgaven, dersom
jeg husker korrekt. Jeg har en utgave på norsk,
men finner ikke boken. Kanskje er det det samme
på dansk? Fant også dette: "Det er sa
Ivan Eikås Skjøstad Jan 24, 2005

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