Translation glossary: Public Health

Showing entries 1-50 of 383
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török - angol
?ekerli Diabet-Diabetes MellitusDiabetes mellitus 
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Acil Yardım ve Trav. Hast.Emerg.Assist.and Travma.Hosp. 
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AÇS / AP MerkeziMCH / FP Center 
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AÇSAP Gen.Müd.Gn.Dir.of MCH/FP 
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AÇSAP YatırımlarıInvestments of MCH/FP 
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Akut NefritAcute nephritis 
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Akut PoliomyelitAcute poliomyelitis 
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Akut PoliomyelitAcute poliomyelitis 
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Akut Poliomyelit\'in geç etkileriLate effects of acute poliomyelitis 
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Akut Poliomyelit\'in geç etkileriLate effects of acute poliomyelitis 
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Akut RomatizmaActive rheumatic fever 
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Akut Solunum Yolları enfeksiyonlarıAcute Respiratory Infections 
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Alkol AlışkanlığıAlcoholism 
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Ana Donatım İkmal Bölge Md.Regional Dir.of Main Equip.,Supply 
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Ana ve Çocuk SağlığıMother and Child Health 
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Anadolu HemşirelikAnatolia Nursing 
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Ankilos ve Sonradan olma Kemik-Kas Biçimsizl.Ankylosis and acquired musculoskeletal deformities 
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Anpiyem ve Akciğer AbsesiEmpyema and abscess of lung 
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APK.Kurulu BaşkanlığıRes.Plan.Coord.Council 
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Ara ebesiTraditional birth attendant 
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Arter, Arteryol ve Kapillerin HastalıklarıDiseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries 
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Artrit ve SpondilitArthritis and spondylitis 
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Asistan HekimAssistant 
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Ateşli Silah Mermilerinin Neden Olduğu KazalarAccident caused by firearm missiles 
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ATK Daire Bşk.Dep.of Europe Community Coor. 
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Ağız Boşluğu ve Farenks Habis UrlarıMalignant neoplasm of buccal cavity and pharynx 
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ağızdan sıvı tedavisi (AST)Oral Re-hydration Liquid - a sugar/salt solution 
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Bademcik ve Adenoidlerin HipertrofisiHypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids 
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Bakteri Hastalıklarıbacterial diseases 
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Bakteri Hastalıklarıbacterial diseases 
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Bakteriyolojik Testler(*)Bacteriolog. tests (*) 
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Barsak Tıkanması ve FıtıkIntestinal obstruction and hernia 
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Barsaklar, Periton ve Mezanter Ganglionu Tbc.Tbc. of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands 
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Barsaklar, Periton ve Mezanter Ganglionu Tbc.Tbc. of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands 
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Basilli ve Amipli DizanteriBacillary dysentery and amoebiasis 
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Basilli ve Amipli DizanteriBacillary dysentery and amoebiasis 
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bağlı olmayan diğer akıl bozuklukları\"\"Neuroses, personality disorders 
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Başka Yerlere Girmeyen Anoksi ve Hipoksi Hal.Anoxic and hypoxic conditions not else where classified 
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Beden Kitle İndeksi (BKİ)Body Mass Index (BMI) 
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