Iraqi Mentors Needed

Hirdetés részletei
Keres - Mentori tevékenység - United States
Honnan: Drew MacFadyen
Meghirdetve:May 28, 2008
Hely: United States, Washington DC
Leírás:Upwardly Global is working with dissplaced Iraqi translators now living in the US. The group has approximately 50 translators that are looking to establish themselves as freelance translators here in the US. Mentoring may include as little as communicating how best to use and establish themselves or as involved as having someone working closely with you in an "intern" type capacity. has more information

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in mentoring Iraqi translators for Upwardly Global.

Thank you

A kereslet megbeszélése ezzel a személlyel:Drew MacFadyen
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