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    • angol
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          • Term
            • Texas rig
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          • Definition(s)
            • A technique used for fishing with soft plastic lures. It involves a bullet-shaped weight being threaded onto the fishing line first, followed by a glass or plastic bead, and then the line is secured to a hook, usually an offset worm hook. Wikipedia
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The Texas rig has been one of the most effective and easiest ways to present a soft plastic bait for decades. Bass anglers can simply slide worm weights on their lines, tie on a hook, thread on soft plastic and they are ready to catch fish. - Karl's Bait and Tackle by
            • While you can certainly Texas rig a worm with a straight shank hook, offset hooks work best at keeping the head of the worm from sliding down the shank. - Best Bass Fishing Lures by
            • Texas rigs have especially fallen out of favor in finesse fishing circles. The time was, not too long ago, that I could go out on my favorite lake with a bag of 4-inch worms, 1/0 hooks and 1/16-ounce slip sinkers and get bites ­pretty much all day. - Bass Master by
  • Compare this term in: albán

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