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angol » papiamento - 1 entries

From "Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son" by George Horace Lorimer. 320 words
I remember reading once that some fellows use language to conceal thought, but it's been my experience that a good many more use it instead of thought.

A businessman's conversation should be regulated by fewer and simpler rules than any other function of the human animal. They are:

Have something to say.

Say it.

Stop talking.

Beginning before you know what you want to say and keeping on after you have said it lands a merchant in a lawsuit or the poorhouse, and the first is a short cut to the second. I maintain a legal department here, and it costs a lot of money, but it's to keep me from going to law.

It's all right when you are calling on a girl or talking with friends after dinner to run a conversation like a Sunday-school excursion, with stops to pick flowers; but in the office your sentences should be the shortest distance possible between periods. Cut out the introduction and the peroration, and stop before you get to secondly. You've got to preach short sermons to catch sinners; and deacons won't believe they need long ones themselves. Give fools the first and women the last word. The meat's always in the middle of the sandwich. Of course, a light butter on either side of it doesn't do any harm if it's intended for a man who likes butter.

Remember, too, that it's easier to look wise than to talk wisdom. Say less than the other fellow and listen more than you talk; for when a man's listening he isn't telling on himself and he's flattering the fellow who is. Give most men a good listener and most women enough note-paper and they'll tell all they know. Money talks -- but not unless its owner has a loose tongue, and then its remarks are always offensive. Poverty talks, too, but nobody wants to hear what it has to say.

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Entry #1 - Points:
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Mi ta korda ku m'a lesa un bia ku algun hende ta uza idioma pa skonde pensamentu, pero den mi eksperiensha, hopi mas hende ta uz'é na luga di pensa sufisientemente.

Konbersashon di un komersiante mester wordu diktá pa menos regla i regla mas simpel ku kwalke otro funshon di animal humano. Nan ta:

Soru pa bo tin algu di bisa.


Stop di papia.

Si un komersiante kuminsá papia prome ku e sa kiko e ke bisa i sigui blabla asta despues ku ela bis'é, esei por resultá den un demanda legal of asta su kiebra finansiero. E prome un ta un ruta direkto pa esun di dos. Ami tin un departamentu huridiko aki ku ta kostami hopi plaka, pero e ta yudami keda sin drenta den kontakto ku lei.

Na okashonnan pafo di trabou, no ta un problema rèk un konbersashon komo sifuera e ta un keiru riba un Dadumingu - parandu aki i aya pa piki flor, na mod'e papia. Manera ora bo topa ku un dams of ora bo ta papiandu ku amigu despues di a goza di un bon kuminda. Den ofisina si, bo frasenan mester kortiku i al kaso. Legumai e introdukshon i e rekapitulashon i para prome ku bo yega na "segundamente...". Bo mester prediká sermonnan kortiku pa gara e pekadonan; i diákononan no ta kere ku nan mes tin mester di sermon largu. Duna sokete prome i hende muhe ultimo palabra. E karni semper ta den meimei di e sènwich. Maske, un tiki manteka kada un banda no ta malu si e ta pa un hende ku ta gusta manteka.

Korda tambe ku ta mas fasil pa aparentá sabí ku ta pa papia sabiduria. Bisa menos ku e otro persona i skucha mas ku bo ta papia; pasobra ora un hende ta skuchandu, e no ta traisionandu su mes i e ta gabandu esun ku si ta traisionandu su mes. Duna mayoria di hende homber un bon skuchado i mayoria di hende muhe papel i nan lo konta tur loke nan sa. Plaka ta papia -- pero solamente ora so doño tin un lenga largu, i e ora ei tur su remarkenan ta ofensivo. Pobresa tambe ta papia, pero ningun hende ke tende loke e tin di bisa.

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