Interpreters » olasz - német » Law/Patents » Orvosi: Műszerek

The olasz - német translators listed below specialize in the field of Orvosi: Műszerek. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

24 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Carsten Mohr
Carsten Mohr
Native in német (Variant: Germany) Native in német
Dolmetscher, Übersetzer, interprete, traduttore, interpreter, translator, interprète, traducteur, tolk, översättare, ...
Birgit Schrader
Birgit Schrader
Native in német Native in német
arts, culture, architecture, agriculture, wine, tourism, history, law, science, education, ...
Brittany WL.
Brittany WL.
Native in angol (Variants: British, US, UK) Native in angol
Translation, proofreading, MTPE, native speakers, Patent, Medical, IT
Stuart and Aida Nelson
Stuart and Aida Nelson
Native in angol (Variant: British) Native in angol, spanyol (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain) Native in spanyol
Law, contract, deed, legal, affidavit, pleadings, medical, health, genetics, domestic violence, ...
Gabriele Metzler
Gabriele Metzler
Native in német (Variants: Swiss, Austrian, Germany) Native in német
German, Italian, : translation, proofreading, transcription Deutsch, Italienisch Übersetzerin: Übersetzung, Revision, Transkription Tedesco, Italiano: traduzione, revisione, ...
Kenny Wang
Kenny Wang
Native in angol Native in angol
Orvosi (általános), Orvosi: Egészségügy, Orvosi: Műszerek, Orvosi: Gyógyszerek, ...
Peter Eckschmidt MD
Peter Eckschmidt MD
Native in német Native in német
italiano a tedesco, italienisch nach deutsch, english to german, siti web, scienze, editoriale, webseiten, website, medicine, Psychology, ...
Guido Villa
Guido Villa
Native in olasz Native in olasz
Orvosi: Műszerek
raffaella morosoli
raffaella morosoli
Native in olasz Native in olasz
conference interpreter
Paola Gatto
Paola Gatto
Native in olasz Native in olasz
inteprete EN>IT, interprete DE>IT, traduttore EN>IT, traduttore DE>IT, traduttore DE>EN, madrelingua italiana, traduttore, interprete, trattativa, consecutiva, ...
Viola Savaglio
Viola Savaglio
Native in olasz (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in olasz
Traduttrice dal 2000, automotive, medicina, marketing, fra gli altri. Translator since 2000, automotive, medicine, marketing among the others.
Giulia D'Ascanio
Giulia D'Ascanio
Native in olasz Native in olasz
conference interpreter, interprete di conferenza, simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, Simultandolmetschen, Konsekutivdolmetschen, interprete, traduttrice, interpretariato, interpretazione, ...
Elise Hendrick
Elise Hendrick
Native in angol Native in angol, német Native in német, spanyol (Variants: Chilean, Latin American) Native in spanyol
legal, commercial, technical, Recht, Medizin, Technik, Wirtschaft, Handel, medicine, medical, ...
John M Voss
John M Voss
Native in angol Native in angol, német Native in német
French, English, German, Contract, Legal, Review, Research, Translation, Croatian, Law, ...
Noriko Watanabe
Noriko Watanabe
Native in japán (Variants: Standard-Japan, Kansai) , francia Native in francia, német Native in német, angol (Variants: New Zealand, South African, US South, Australian, French, Jamaican, Singaporean, US, Canadian, Irish, Scottish, UK, Wales / Welsh, British, Indian) Native in angol
Japanese [JA], Korean [KO], Chinese [ZH], English [EN], French [FR], German [DE], Italian [IT], Dutch [NL], Spanish [ES], Swedish [SV], ...
Nancy Cortell
Nancy Cortell
Native in angol Native in angol, spanyol Native in spanyol
English, Latam and European Spanish, novels
Etienne Thems
Etienne Thems
Native in francia (Variants: Canadian, Swiss, Belgian, Standard-France, Luxembourgish) Native in francia, lingala Native in lingala, angol (Variants: French, Canadian, US, UK, South African) Native in angol, szuahéli Native in szuahéli
Orvosi: Gyógyszerek, Orvosi (általános)
Maria Franziska Dudle
Maria Franziska Dudle
Native in német Native in német
roaminginternational, precious, accuratly, fast, disponibility,
Sricha Gupta
Sricha Gupta
Native in angol (Variants: Scottish, South African, US South, British, UK, Irish, Indian, Jamaican, US, Australian, French, Wales / Welsh, Singaporean, Canadian, New Zealand) Native in angol, hindi (Variants: Khariboli, Indian, Shuddha) Native in hindi
Subtitling, Open and Close Captioning, Time Coding, Transcription, Voiceover, Interpretation, Translation, DTP etc.
Tranzilla Sarl Sarl
Tranzilla Sarl Sarl
Native in arab (Variants: Lebanese, Egyptian, Sudanese, Iraqi, Tunisian, Jordanian, Algerian, Saudi , UAE, Syrian, Moroccan, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Libyan, Kuwaiti, Yemeni, Palestinian) 
Our specialty : All languages into Arabic/French/English. French into Arabic, English into Arabic, Spanish into Arabic, German into Arabic, Italian into Arabic, Portuguese into Arabic, Japanese into Arabic

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.