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Powwow: Rome - Italy

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Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
Powwow in Rome Apr 23, 2007

Dear All,

I would like to organise a powwow in Rome, this time if possible for TWO days, that is from 8th to 9th of September.

The reason is to permit people coming from out of Rome to enjoy this wonderful town in September.

I have planned to organise a guided tour in Rome, for half a day. I think it will be a "promenade".

I'll propose some possibilities, just tell me what you prefer.

I have contacted two travel agencies. The first
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Dear All,

I would like to organise a powwow in Rome, this time if possible for TWO days, that is from 8th to 9th of September.

The reason is to permit people coming from out of Rome to enjoy this wonderful town in September.

I have planned to organise a guided tour in Rome, for half a day. I think it will be a "promenade".

I'll propose some possibilities, just tell me what you prefer.

I have contacted two travel agencies. The first one is quite expensive (from 30 to 50 euro per visit), the other one is less expensive, so we can decide according to programs they are preparing for us.

Here are the solutions:

- Baroque Rome, 33 euro

- Vatican State (difficult to organise, they require the confirmation of people one month before, and an advance), 46 euro

- Medioeval Rome, 31 euro

- Bus tour Imperial Rome, 33 euro

- Christian Rome, 41 euro

- Classic Rome, 33.50 euro

other solutions will be offered to me by a friend of mine, and they cost maximum 15 euro.

We will decide.

Just tell me what do you think about it.

This could be done in the afternoon, so that people have the time to come to Rome in the morning.

Dinner could be done in Trastevere as usual, Piazza in Piscinula, La Pizzeria "il Comparone" (note it's not the restaurant, it is too expensive).

The owner, as usual, is a friend of mine, so we can have a good price (normally not more than 30 euro).

Parking is available.

So I am waiting for your comments, if you want to propose something else, for me it's ok.

The following day could be spent somewhere else, even in my house. I have a wonderful garden and we could spend some time having a cocktail and just talking.

About hotels, there are many near my house which are not expensive (maximum 70 euro).

I would like to organise something NOT expensive at all, so that many people can come.

Ciao, Emanuela

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
Identities Verified Apr 23, 2007

Do not forget that identities can be verified, so do not forget your papers (in any case you would never forget them)!


Michele Esposito
Michele Esposito  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
angol - olasz
+ ...
Excellent Idea Apr 23, 2007

Hi Manu,

you had an excellent idea. I am looking forward to attending this Powwow. I do hope that a few fellow members will attend too. Take care

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
Wow! Apr 23, 2007

I am happy, we are already three! Let's hope that everybody will come. I am organising it now so that everybody can try to come.

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
Well... Apr 24, 2007

I am glad to see that people would like to come.

Remember that you can decide EVEN at the last minute, I'll try to organise guided tours with no need to pay in advance, so that you can be free to decide even on the 7th.

Powwows are a chance to meet each other, to create teams (why not?), to exchange ideas and experience, in a word, to share.

I would like to say that THIS POWWOW WILL NOT BE EXPENSIVE.

Personally I have huge problems in having m
... See more
I am glad to see that people would like to come.

Remember that you can decide EVEN at the last minute, I'll try to organise guided tours with no need to pay in advance, so that you can be free to decide even on the 7th.

Powwows are a chance to meet each other, to create teams (why not?), to exchange ideas and experience, in a word, to share.

I would like to say that THIS POWWOW WILL NOT BE EXPENSIVE.

Personally I have huge problems in having my money when I work.

They say they will pay in a month and I wait two or three months...

How many times I would have liked to participate in other Powwows, like that of Milan (but I will not miss the next one!!!)!

So, remember that:

- I'll try to organise a NON-EXPENSIVE guided tour, maximum 15 - 20 euro

- Dinner will not exceed 30 euro per person

- On Sunday we could spend the afternoon in my terrace, I'll organise drinks or go to the sea

- I found very cheap hotels, even at 50 euro per person, and they are good

So your stay in Rome will be cheap and you will have time to visit Rome on Saturday and Sunday mornings...




Ciao Manu

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
To Gianni Apr 24, 2007

Gianni, ma ti accompagna mamma? Ops, scherzo, sembri così giovane nella foto... ehehehehheeh

Scusate, io sono una peste!

Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2007 óta)
angol - olasz
x Manu Apr 24, 2007

Er... no. Viene la mia tata

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
x Gianni Apr 24, 2007

ops, ma un TATO alto 1.90, biondo con gli occhi azzurri non ce l'hai eh?


Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2007 óta)
angol - olasz
x Manu Apr 24, 2007

Purtroppo no. Ti dovrai accontentare di un tato da 1.80m pelato e cieco come una talpa, ho paura))

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
Great! Apr 24, 2007

Adoro i calvi! Quanto alla cecità, io sto peggio di lui, facciamo una bella coppia!

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
Sure! Apr 24, 2007

You can come with your family and friends. I am so happy to see that so many people will probably be here in Rome!

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
Important: Photos Apr 25, 2007

Please help me!

I am a bad photographer, and would like to post photos after the Powwow has taken place.

Is anyone available to take pictures (not of me please... eheheheh)?

Let me know.

Ciao e buon 25 aprile,


Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
Please note... Apr 25, 2007

that I have a list of guided tours links.

Posting them is forbidden, so please contact me via e-mail, and I'll send them to you.

Sorry for my mistakes today, I'm tired yawnnnn

Please also note that LINKS are in Italian, but they are available in English too, and that ALL guided tours will be organised in ENGLISH, so do not worry if you do not speak Italian.

Ciao, Manu

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
Angio! Apr 25, 2007

Mi tradisci con Maria Elisa, sono gelosa! Ehhhehheheheh


Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:26
Tag (2003 óta)
francia - olasz
+ ...
ciao Manu Apr 25, 2007

Ho 3 validi motivi per venire, 2 amiche e una meravigliosa città:)

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Powwow: Rome - Italy

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