ág kezdete: Dec '05

angol - magyar
francia - magyar
olasz - magyar
magyar - angol
francia - angol

Istvan Nagy
versatile and reliable

Miskolc, Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Magyarország
Helyi idő: 10:00 CET (GMT+1)

Anyanyelve: magyar Native in magyar
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6 positive reviews
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Szolgáltatások Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Project management
Orvosi: GyógyszerekKémia; Kémiatudomány/vegyészet
Mechanika / gépészetIT (Információtechnológia)
Orvosi: MűszerekOrvosi (általános)
Marketing / PiackutatásOktatás / pedagógia
Turizmus és utazás


KudoZ-tevékenység (PRO) PRO-szintű pontok: 135, Megválaszolt kérdések: 131, Feltett kérdések: 31
Fordítási tanulmányok Other - ELTE, Hungary
Szakmai tapasztalat Fordítói tapasztalat években: 41. A regisztrált: Oct 2004.á vált: Dec 2005. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Bizonyítványok magyar - angol (ELTE FTCS, Budapest, Hungary)
francia - magyar (KLTE, Debrecen, Hungary)
angol - magyar (KLTE, Debrecen, Hungary)
angol - magyar (ELTE Idegennyelvi Továbbképző Központ (Centre for Advanced Language Learning) )
Szakmai szervezeti tagság N/A
Szoftver Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MemoQ 2015, Other CAT tool, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume CV/Resume (DOC)
Events and training
Powwows attended
Professzionális munkamódszerek Istvan Nagy elfogadja a's szakmai irányelveit.
Education, Qualifications:
PhD studies in English Literature (ELTE, Budapest)
Diploma in Translation: (English-Hungarian, Hungarian-English)– ELTE, Budapest
Cambridge Proficiency in English
M.A. in English and French, Teaching degree KLTE, Debrecen

Other languages:
Italian, Polish and Slovak

Italian- Hungarian translations
Automotive Fiat Recall Documentation Apolonica Translations, Poland; Z-Studio, Czech
Construction-Marketing leaflets, brochures (Mapei) Lector Translation Bureau, Budapest
Medical Equipment, Pharmaceuticals (Sorin) Arancho Srl, Italy

Areas of Specialisation (English-French-Hungarian): Medicine, Drugs, Pharmacology:
In-house translator–4 years BIOGAL Pharmaceutical Works, Debrecen
In-house translator-2 years Institute of Biophysics University Medical School, Debrecen
ARGOS Translation Company Ltd, Poland
Arancho Srl, Italy
Chinoin-Sanofi Co, Budapest
Rossion Inc. Canada
RussTech Inc, Florida

Life Sciences, Pharmacology, Patents, Pharmaceutical Research and Technology,
Clinical trials, Registration, Marketing, Medicine, Laboratory Equipment, Pharmaceutical Technology Protection of the Environment production technology documents, Medical Instruments & Software: GE Medical – Card IQ Manual, Performa Manual, Flexiview Manual Update, Clinical trials, Research Agreement, Veterinary clinical trial documentation

Apolonica Translation, Poland
Arancho Srl, Italy
Blondé Communications, Belgium
EDIMART Translation Bureau, Budapest
Turris Babel Translation Bureau, Budapest
Translavic B.V., The Netherlands
Z-Studio, Czech

Automotive/Marketing: Fiat Recall Documentation, Fiat trainings, Fiat technical website, Safety Data Sheets, BMW homepage, Lexus manual; Hidraulic Machinery: Marco AB-manuals;
Bicycles: Shimano Dealer Catalogue, Technical Service Instructions
Chemical Industry: Material Safety Data Sheets
Electronics: Blaupunkt/Kenwood car radio & stereo equipment, Samsung mobile phones, LG household appliances-manuals ;
Metallurgy, Machine tools: Standards, Patents - Electrical conductors, Composite wires, Business offers, technical documents,
Medical Instruments & Software: GE Medical – Card IQ Manual, Performa Manual, Flexiview Manual Update, Sorin Italia Mini-Bypass Kit, Asahi Guide Wire
Printing&Publishing: Ricoh/Brother/Kyocera printer-scanner-copier and fax
Agriculture: agricultural machinery, irrigation machines, irrigation technology
Construction: Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Existing Structures, CNR, Rome

Culture, Media, Tourism
Lecturer at the University of Miskolc, Department of English Literature
Bartók Plus Opera Festival, Miskolc - Miskolci Operafesztivál Ltd, Miskolc

English literature, Culture and Media
Festival programme, leaflets, brochures, advertisement
Web page:Wines of Hungary - wine regions, varieties of grapes and wines
Catering, Restaurants: menu translations
City Guides: Sights of the City of Győr
Honorius: Elucidarium. Manuscript
Paracelsus: Archidoxes of Magic. Hermit Publishers, Miskolc
Francis: The Magician. Hermit Publishers, Miskolc
Chaudière: Tribulations d’un Stradivarius en Amérique. Magyar Könyvklub Publishers

Law, Economics and Business
ARGOS Translation Company Ltd, Poland
Lector Translation Bureau, Budapest
TIT Translation Bureau, Nyíregyháza
Fux Co. Miskolc
EDIMART Translation Bureau, Budapest
TranzPress Ltd, Budapest

Legal: work contract, license agreement, service license agreement; Criminal Law - White Collar Crime, Labour Law - Mediation
Business: Market Research, Feasibility Study, Business Plan, Competition Authority Procedures (SAP Hungary),
Marketing: Newsletters, Press Releases - Nespresso, Blaupunkt, BenQ
Accounting: Feasibility Study, Annual Report and Balance, Sheets, Accounting Glossary
Lynch: One Up in Wall Street. Alinea Publishers, Budapest
Chip Heath& Dan Heath: Made to Stick. Alinea Publishers, Budapest

Project Proposals, EU Institutions
Ministry of Education
Translavic BV, The Netherlands
University of Miskolc
Intrasoft International, Greece
SeproTec Multilingual Solutions, Spain

Brochures: Euro Info Centre, The Road to the Euro
Proposals: PHARE, ISPA Projects , Various documents on
EU legislation and policies: Road transport, Lifelong Learning and the economy, EU survey of education, training and skills in and around the wood sector
Ez a felhasználó más fordítóknak segített PRO-szintű kifejezések fordításában, és így KudoZ-pontokat szerzett. Kattintson a pontok összegére a kifejezések megadott fordításainak megtekintéséhez.

Összes szerzett pont: 155
PRO-szintű pontok: 135

Legtöbb pontot szerzett nyelvek (PRO)
angol - magyar78
francia - magyar17
magyar - angol16
francia - angol12
olasz - magyar12
Legtöbb pontot szerzett általános területek (PRO)
Pontok 2 másik területen >
Legtöbb pontot szerzett specifikus területek (PRO)
Autóipar / autók és teherautók12
Kémia; Kémiatudomány/vegyészet12
Orvosi (általános)12
Mechanika / gépészet8
Elektronika / villamosmérnöki8
Pontok 18 másik területen >

Összes szerzett pont megtekintése >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects4
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
angol - magyar3
magyar - angol1
Specialty fields
Autóipar / autók és teherautók2
Turizmus és utazás1
Orvosi: Műszerek1
Other fields
Bor / borászat / bortermelés1
Kulcsszavak: Language and literature, books and travel, Medical, pharmaceutical, Arts, theatre, cinema, Business and finance, Law, Social Sciences. See more.Language and literature, books and travel,Medical, pharmaceutical, Arts, theatre, cinema, Business and finance, Law, Social Sciences, Automotive, patents, construction, technical specifications, Law, Economics and Business, labour law and conciliation, white collar crime, HR, PR and marketing, contracts, business offers, Medicine, Drugs, Pharmacology, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Laboratory Diagnostics, Internal, Forensic Medicine, Drug and active agent descriptions, registration, clinical trials, patents, Project Proposals, EU Institutions, Culture, Media, Tourism, fordító, fordítás, angol fordító, angol, angol magyar, magyar-angol, szakfordító, weekends Hungarian, English-Hungarian, Hungarian-English, Hungarian English translator, translation, translator, Hungarian translator, Hungarian translation, Hungarian freelance translator, English Hungarian freelancer, italian to hungarian, italiano, ungherese, francais, hongrois, traduction, traduttore, progiciel, sante, médecin, relations publiques, journaux, contrat, automobile, vettura, istruzione, per l’uso, manual, manuel, instruments, pharmaceutique, commerciale, affare, affaires, médical, letteratura, médecine, health, health care, health services, public, medical specialties, health science, egészségügyi, szakfordí¬tás, biomedical, orvostechnikai, orvosi szakszövegek, environment, medical, clinical trial, pharmaceutical, chemical, chemistry, medical instrument, cardiology, science, biology, zoology, economic, agriculture, business, legal, insurance, contract, EU, European Union, management, marketing, public relations, human resources, social science, ethics, technical, engineering, website, software, creative text, website localization, creative, newspaper, journalism, book, travel brochure, magazine, localization, Trados, CAT tool, Transit . See less.

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