angol - magyar
angol - román
francia - magyar

Janos Fazakas
25 y. in research/industry, 20 y. transl

Helyi idő: 14:37 CET (GMT+1)

Anyanyelve: magyar Native in magyar, román Native in román
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Szolgáltatások Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Természettudományok (általános)Kémia; Kémiatudomány/vegyészet
GeológiaKörnyezet és ökológia
Biológia (biotechnológia, biokémia, mikrobiológia)Műszaki (általános)
Anyagok (műanyagok, kerámia, stb.)Számítógépek: Hardver
Számítógépek: Rendszerek, hálózatokOrvosi: Gyógyszerek

angol - magyar - Normál díjazás: 0.15 EUR per szó / 35 EUR per óra
angol - román - Normál díjazás: 0.15 EUR per szó / 35 EUR per óra

KudoZ-tevékenység (PRO) PRO-szintű pontok: 906, Megválaszolt kérdések: 547, Feltett kérdések: 243
Szakmai tapasztalat Fordítói tapasztalat években: 34. A regisztrált: Nov 1999. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Bizonyítványok N/A
Szakmai szervezeti tagság N/A
MunkacsoportokAccur@ Translators
Szoftver Catalyst, DejaVu, FrameMaker, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, FrameMaker 7.1, Office 2003, WordPerfect 12, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
CV/Resume angol (DOCX)
Events and training
Powwows attended
Professzionális munkamódszerek Janos Fazakas elfogadja a's szakmai irányelveit (v1.1).
analytical chemistry, agrochemistry, chemical engineering, geology and geochemistry, environmental science and engineering, pharmaceutical & chemical industry (GMP audits, validation, etc.), spectroscopy and spectrochemistry, medicine, clinical chemistry.
Source languages:
Hungarian, English, Romanian, French
Target languages:
Hungarian, English, Romanian

Personal data:
B. November 28, 1949, in Bucharest, Romania
Resident in Hungary since 1990

Contact information:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM Cpu @ 2.00GHz 2.00 GHz
16 GB RAM, 250 GB SSD.

OS: Windows 10.
Word processing: WordPerfect X8, Office 2007
TM: DVX3, Trados 2007

Education and degrees:
B. Sc. in Chemistry, University of Bucharest, 1973
M. Sc. in Chemistry, University of Bucharest, 1974
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Bucharest Polytechnic, 1984

Job history:

Early years, during college and university studies working as reporter for the local daily "Hargita" and the national weekly "Ifjúmunkás"
1974-1975, Bucharest Pharmaceutical Works
1975-1982, Enterprise for Geological Prospecting
1982-1984, Institute for Soil Science and Agrochem.
1984-1986, Institute for Waste Water Research
1986-1988, National Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology
1988-1990, Enterprise for Geological Prospecting
1991, CHINOIN Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
1991-1992, Leovey Klara High School, English Teacher
1992, Argo Ltd., Foreign Trader
1993, Compudrug Chemistry Ltd., Scientific Adviser
2001-2002, Hungarian Chemical Society, Managing Director
Presently retired, working solely as freelance translator/interpreter

Freelance translator since 1991

Scientific publications:
Ca. 40 scientific articles published. Of the original articles 11 were published in Romanian journals, the rest elsewhere. Of the articles 6 were in Romanian 1 in Russian, 1 in French, 1 in Hungarian and the rest in English. I am the sole author of 18 of the scientific papers and the average number of authors is 1.97 per paper. According to the Science Citation Index (ISI, Philadelphia), by the end of 1991 my publications were cited over 100 times in the scientific literature.

Present professional interest:
- Translations and interpreting;
- Validation & GMP in the pharmaceutical industry;
- Fundamental and applied research in Analytical Spectrochemistry;
- Teaching and education in Analytical Chemistry.

Scientific Societies and Editorial Advisory Boards
Canadian Spectroscopy Society, 1974-1984
American Chemical Society, 1974-1976
Society for Applied Spectroscopy, 1975-1989
New York Academy of Sciences, 1989
Hungarian Chemical Society, 1991-
Hungarian Society of Mechanical Engineers,
Materials Testing Division, 1991-
Spectroscopy Letters (Marcel Dekker Inc., USA), 1983-1999
Analytical Letters (Marcel Dekker Inc., USA), 1984-1999
ASU Board of JAAS (Royal Society of Chemistry), 1988-1997

Language proficiency:
Romanian and Hungarian for obvious reasons. My knowledge of English stems partly from the fact that I spent two years in college in England (1968-69) and I started my Ph.D. degree work and studies at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florida (Gainesville, FL.). French I know because I have studied intensively this language, starting from primary school.

Leisure, hobbies: sport, classical music, history.
Married (1984), two children (b. 1985 and 1987).
Current price list and references available upon request.

Visitors since 25th February 2005

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Összes szerzett pont: 906
(Összes PRO-szintű)

Legtöbb pontot szerzett nyelvek (PRO)
angol - román485
angol - magyar179
román - angol123
francia - román38
magyar - angol35
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Kémia; Kémiatudomány/vegyészet162
Orvosi (általános)131
Műszaki (általános)130
Orvosi: Gyógyszerek47
Orvosi: Műszerek46
Műszaki: Ipari38
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Kulcsszavak: analytical chemistry, agrochemistry, chemical engineering, clinical chemistry, general engineering, geology and geochemistry, environmental science and engineering, pharmaceutical & chemical industry, GMP audits, validation. See more.analytical chemistry,agrochemistry,chemical engineering,clinical chemistry,general engineering,geology and geochemistry,environmental science and engineering,pharmaceutical & chemical industry,GMP audits,validation,spectroscopy and spectrochemistry, medicine, telecommunication. See less.

A profillap utolsó frissítése
Jun 5, 2024

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