angol (egynyelvű)
angol - francia
angol - német

"One Stop Language Solutions"

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Helyi idő: 01:38 IST (GMT+5.5)

Anyanyelve: angol (Variants: US, Singaporean) Native in angol, lengyel (Variants: Old Polish, Standard-Poland) Native in lengyel
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Felhasználói fiók típusa Szabadúszó és fordítóiroda
Kapcsolatok This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Szolgáltatások Translation, Transcription, Editing/proofreading, Desktop publishing, Website localization, Software localization, MT post-editing, Subtitling, Voiceover (dubbing), Project management
Sport / fitnesz / kikapcsolódásJátékok / videojátékok / játék / kaszinó
MezőgazdaságMűvészet, kézművesség, festészet
Csillagászat és űrkutatásAutóipar / autók és teherautók
Légitér / repülés / űrOrvosi: Kardiológia
Kémia; Kémiatudomány/vegyészetSzámítógépek: Hardver

angol - francia – Díjazás: 0.05 - 0.06 USD per szó / 10 - 15 USD per óra
angol - német – Díjazás: 0.05 - 0.06 USD per szó / 10 - 15 USD per óra
német - angol – Díjazás: 0.05 - 0.06 USD per szó / 10 - 15 USD per óra
francia - angol – Díjazás: 0.05 - 0.06 USD per szó / 10 - 15 USD per óra
német - francia – Díjazás: 0.05 - 0.06 USD per szó / 10 - 15 USD per óra

Szakmai tapasztalat Fordítói tapasztalat években: 14. A regisztrált: Jul 2018. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Bizonyítványok N/A
Szakmai szervezeti tagság N/A
Szoftver Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, Alchemy Publisher, Amara, AutoCAD, Bablic, BaccS, Belle Nuit Subtitler, CafeTran Espresso, CaptionHub, CaptionMaker/MacCaption, Captiz, Catalyst, Crowdin, DejaVu, DivXLand Media Subtitler, Dreamweaver, Easyling, EZTitles, FinalSub, fiveLoadSub, Fluency, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Fusion, Ginger Page, GlobalizeIt, Google Translator Toolkit, Heartsome, Helium, IBM CAT tool, Idiom, Indesign, J-CAT, Lilt, Lingotek, Lingviny, Localizer, LocStudio, LogiTerm, Lokalise,, MadCap Lingo, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, MetaTexis, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MotionPoint, MovieCaptioner, MOX Gateway, Multicorpora, Multilizer, Net-Proxy, Ninsight Ayato, OmegaT, Memsource, Pagemaker, Pairaphrase, Passolo, Personal Translator, PhraseApp, Plunet BusinessManager, Poliscript, Powerpoint, Projetex, PROMT, Protemos, Translation Center, Qordoba, QuaHill, QuarkXPress, Redokun, Rulingo, SDLX, Silver Bullet Suite, Smartcat, Smartling, STAR Transit, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Subtitle Workshop, Swordfish, Text United Software, titlebee, Titlevision Submachine, TOM Agency, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Transifex, Translate, Translation Exchange, Translation Workspace, TranslationProjex, TransSuite2000, Uniscape CAT tool, VoxscribeCC,, Wincaps Q4, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
CV/Resume CV available upon request

Dear Team,

I hold a group of 300+ native translators who work in 100+ language pair so kindly consider our application for your translation jobs. 

We work with: Law firms, marketing companies,IT companies, Localization agencies, translation agencies, academic institutes, laboratories, insurance, and more.

We translate documents and texts such as: Contracts, Court rulings, academic texts, insurance contracts, deeds, tenders, IT/High tech related texts, web sites, marketing texts, business presentations, medical reports, financial reports, industrial texts, manuals, books, articles, scientific texts, engineering texts, health reports ( UNICEF and WHO) , immigration papers, diplomas, certificates, CVs and Resumes,and more.

We are all knowledgeable and working with SDL Trados 2015 as a CAT system.

Our team has: 

expert in IT/High Tech/ Web designing and Website translations, social Media marketing, SEO. 

expert in legal and financial texts

expert in Social sciences/ HR/Psychological reports, Medical reports,Health reports. 

expert in social media and internet marketing.

expert in fashion and textile.

Any document that we translate goes over a process of quality check after translation, proofreading and formatting.

We sometimes involve a legal adviser for special translations to check the right terminology, as well as Medical adviser for Medical translations.

We all work together for the past 6 years as a team.

Our motto is honesty integrity and hard work to make sure the client gets what he wants.

We are available 24/7 and for overnight work.

Sincerely yours,

Mob: +91 6381685147
Skype: [email protected]
WeChat Id: Freelance_Linguist
Kulcsszavak: Translation, localization

A profillap utolsó frissítése
Nov 21, 2021