angol - magyar
magyar - angol
holland - magyar

Peter Simon
ATA cert.,EN<>HU transl.,MA,MS, Netherl.

Helyi idő: 14:31 CET (GMT+1)

Anyanyelve: magyar Native in magyar, angol Native in angol
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Szolgáltatások Translation, Editing/proofreading
Költészet és irodalomÜzlet/kereskedelem (általános)
Oktatás / pedagógiaTurizmus és utazás
Jog: Szabadalmak, védjegyek, szerzői jogMarketing / Piackutatás
Bizonyítványok, diplomák, jogosítványok, önéletrajzokFöldrajz
Kormányzás / politikaTörténelem

angol - magyar – Díjazás: 0.08 - 0.12 EUR per szó / 25 - 30 EUR per óra
magyar - angol – Díjazás: 0.08 - 0.12 EUR per szó / 25 - 30 EUR per óra
holland - magyar – Díjazás: 0.08 - 0.12 EUR per szó / 20 - 25 EUR per óra
holland - angol – Díjazás: 0.07 - 0.12 EUR per szó / 20 - 25 EUR per óra
angol – Díjazás: 0.07 - 0.12 EUR per szó / 20 - 25 EUR per óra

KudoZ-tevékenység (PRO) PRO-szintű pontok: 364, Megválaszolt kérdések: 263, Feltett kérdések: 57
Korábbi projektek 17 projekt bejegyezve    3 pozitív visszajelzés a megbízóktól

A felhasználó által írt Blue Board bejegyzések  45 bejegyzés

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Portfólió Feltöltött mintafordítások száma: 1
Fordítási tanulmányok Master's degree - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest
Szakmai tapasztalat Fordítói tapasztalat években: 34. A regisztrált: Feb 2013. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Bizonyítványok angol (University of Cambridge , verified)
angol (Eötvös Loránd University, verified)
angol - magyar (The Presence Group)
angol - magyar (Fordító- és Tolmácsképző Tanszék, verified)
magyar - angol (Fordító- és Tolmácsképző Tanszék, verified)

Szakmai szervezeti tagság ATA
Szoftver Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
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Professzionális munkamódszerek Peter Simon elfogadja a's szakmai irányelveit.
I am a native Hungarian teacher of English with an MA, MEd from the university of Budapest, and a CELTA certificate. Although I haven't received specific training directed at translation (to a large part because in the 1970's there weren't any such trainings in Hungary), I did translation during most of my career as an English teacher if there was a need and I had time for it. For a year at the Budapest High School of Economics I even taught translation and Economics for would-be graduates of Economics. Afterwards I received some training and a translator's certificate at the University of Budapest (ELTE).

As I also have an MSc in Geography, that field, along with politics, Economics, Geology and related subjects as Biology and Medicine are my favourite areas. I also received informal training in Law from my ex-wife, a lawyer, early on. I'm also an amateur musician and have written and published a book about singing techniques, so music also features highly on my menu. Pedagogy is one of my most important areas not only because I'm a teacher, but also because I've worked on an English course-book for Hungarians with colleagues under the British Council for a couple of years. I can translate between English and Hungarian both ways about a wide range of other topics as well. My translation of a Hungarian book (called Angela) has been published in English by Amazon (under the title 'The Good, the Bad and the Beast').

As I've been living in the Netherlands for several years and studied the language, I can translate common texts from that language too. I've worked here as a cook, and this is one of those areas I could translate in all directions, also because I am a self-trained cook in my private life as well. I've also worked as a job-coach interpreting between Hungarian industrial workers and Dutch companies. My other areas with respect to Dutch would be geography, history, literature and health-related matters.

I am a certified member of the American Translators Association in translation EN>HU (see: ). I am certified by ELTE Budapest in translation HU>EN and EN>HU.
E-CertStamp-520150-19 Certified PROs.jpg 14030704_10154426348803103_1901327966_n E-CertStamp-520150-19
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Összes szerzett pont: 431
PRO-szintű pontok: 364

Legtöbb pontot szerzett nyelvek (PRO)
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holland - angol44
holland - magyar24
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Kulcsszavak: Hungarian, English, Dutch, business, economics, technology, geography, tourism, education, linguistics. See more.Hungarian, English, Dutch, business, economics, technology, geography, tourism, education, linguistics, language teaching, music, law, general medicine, arts, films, agriculture, cooking. See less.

A profillap utolsó frissítése
Oct 22, 2024

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