ág kezdete: May '16

olasz - magyar
angol - magyar
magyar - olasz
magyar - angol
olasz - angol

Noémi dr. Szabó
Law is my passion and profession.

Budapest, Budapest, Magyarország
Helyi idő: 14:13 CET (GMT+1)

Anyanyelve: magyar (Variant: Hungary) Native in magyar
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23 positive reviews
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4 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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Felhasználói fiók típusa Szabadúszó és fordítóiroda
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Kapcsolatok This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Szolgáltatások Translation, Website localization, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Interpreting
Jog: Szerződés(ek)Jog (általános)
Jog: Adó és vámJog: Szabadalmak, védjegyek, szerzői jog
Befektetések / értékpapírokÜzlet/kereskedelem (általános)
Pénzügy (általános)Játékok / videojátékok / játék / kaszinó

KudoZ-tevékenység (PRO) PRO-szintű pontok: 23, Megválaszolt kérdések: 9
Payment methods accepted PayPal, Banki átutalás | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfólió Feltöltött mintafordítások száma: 4
Fordítási tanulmányok Master's degree - University Eötvös Lóránd, Budapest, Hungary
Szakmai tapasztalat Fordítói tapasztalat években: 19. A regisztrált: Oct 2005.á vált: May 2016. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Bizonyítványok magyar - olasz (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University), verified)
olasz - magyar (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University), verified)
magyar - olasz (Università per Stranieri di Perugia)
olasz - magyar (Università per Stranieri di Perugia)
magyar - olasz (Hungary: CCIU)

Szakmai szervezeti tagság N/A
Szoftver Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Translation Workspace, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume I will send my CV asap upon your kind request
Events and training
Training sessions attended
Professzionális munkamódszerek Noémi dr. Szabó elfogadja a's szakmai irányelveit.
I am an experienced translator, graduated in HUNGARIAN LAW, Economics (Hungarian Bsc) and International Business and Management Studies (Bsc, Hogheschool Breda, The Netherlands). I also obtained the qualification of chartered accountant in Hungary. Furthermore, I worked approx. 4 years as a TRAINEE LAWYER for two INTERNATIONAL LAW FIRMS.

I focus on LEGAL TRANSLATIONS. Law is my passion and I am keen on getting familiar with differences between various legal systems and local specialties. I am also an experienced translator of EU COURT documents.

My main strengths are accuracy and punctuality, continuous online availability and flexibility. I always check translations before sending them to the client in order to guarantee a high quality.

I take deadlines very seriously whether these are deadlines applying to me or to the client. I think long-term and successful collaboration is mainly based on punctuality, clarity (communication between the parties) and predictability, in addition to quality.

Each area has its own experts and I think the translator needs to understand the source text profoundly to be able to produce a good quality translation. This is especially true for legal translations.

I am ready and willing to learn new skills, improve my knowledge and use new software, etc.

I also like to have feedback on my work in order to provide my clients with an increasingly better service.
Kulcsszavak: hungarian, italian, english, law, legal, software, localization, localisation, qualified, graduated. See more.hungarian, italian, english, law, legal, software, localization, localisation, qualified, graduated, civil, criminal, administrative, contract, agreement, sentence, judgement, protocol, verbal, minutes, corporate, accounting, finance, financial, business, banking, gaming, videogame, application, iphone, accuracy, punctuality, precise, reliable, reliability, availability, online, available, trados, memoq, memsource, poa, privacy, international, translate, license, statement, authorization, order, regulation, supply agreement, labour law, civil law, criminal law, administrative law, financial law, banking law, securities, credit facility agreement, loan agreement, credit agreement, data protection, privacy statement, legal notice, terms and conditions, T&Cs, public procurement, mandate agreement, power of attorney, corporate document, articles of association, AoA, company excerpt, statute, delega, documento legale, documenti legali, contratti, dichiarazioni, contratto, dichiarazione, autentica di firma, atto notarile, visura, visura societaria, visura catastale, assicurazione, securities, EU, EU documents, EU Court, EU Court document, Corte dell'UE, documenti della corte, court case, clinical trial, cooperation agreement, confidentiality, confidentiality agreement, confidentiality statement, declaration of acceptance, works agreement, NDA, SLA, sales contract, EPC, certified translation, traduzione giurata, certification, GDPR. See less.

A profillap utolsó frissítése
Jan 28

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