Translation glossary: Law

Showing entries 1-18 of 18
activitate salariatăremunerated activity 
román - angol
calculate din urmabackdated penalties 
román - angol
Commissioner for Oathsimputernicit cu prestarea juramantului/notar 
angol - román
consignment agreementcontract de consignație 
angol - román
Dau prezenta declaratieI hereby declare 
román - angol
din ce in ce mai nemultumitmore and more displeased 
román - angol
enforcing of the company management capabilitya impune 
angol - román
Fisierul National al Persoanelor cu RiscHigh Risk/Bad Credit Persons National Data Base 
román - angol
in conditiile aparitiei unorSubject to new legislative enactments 
román - angol
indictable offencesinfracțiuni judecate în instanță 
angol - román
intimidation pointspunctaj de intimidare 
angol - román
modalitati de executare fara detentieAlternative ways to non-custodial sentence 
román - angol
pe raza comuneiThe lands were situated within the commune limits of X 
román - angol
referitorin respect to/concerning the 
román - angol
Sectia de Combatere a CoruptieAnti-corruption unit 
román - angol
settlement of obligationsnegocierea obligatiilor comune/reciproce si oprirea platilor 
angol - román
terenul a intrat in proprietatea meaI gained the ownership of the land 
román - angol
walk-through inspectionin etapa de inspecție/control 
angol - román
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