Translation glossary: NancyLynn

Showing entries 1-50 of 420
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"L'aube n'est jamais si proche qu'au plus noir de la nuit."it is always darkest just before dawn 
French to English
"Mange ta main, garde l'autre pour demain."Eat one hand, keep the other for tomorrow (child's verse) 
French to English
"Pain passes, but beauty remains." Auguste RenoirLa douleur passe, la beauté reste 
English to French
"reach-in closet"garde-robe, penderie 
English to French
"sous toutes reserves"without prejudice 
French to English
''...did not elicit any adverse, treatment-related effects up to...''n'a suscité (ou élicité) aucun effet indésirable lié aux traitements 
English to French
...viennent cependant appuyer...the results (or findings) of this research support 
French to English
8:30 am Local Time M-F8h30 heure locale, les lundi au vendredi 
English to French
a condition d'en être associé pour le tiers au moins du capitalprovided (such third party) holds at least one-third of the capital 
French to English
a hive of activitya place as busy as a beehive 
à peine teintée d'or verttinged with a golden-green hue 
French to English
French to English
administration uniquotidiennesingle daily dose 
French to English
administration uniquotidienneonce-daily administration 
French to English
affixing locationapposition des scellés 
English to French
affixing locationlieu d'apposition des scellés 
English to French
agrainoirfeeder (for all types of animals) 
French to English
agrégats financierfinancial aggregates 
French to English
All I want is veut sortir / quitter / prendre sa retraite le plus tôt possible 
English to French
aller chercherbrought her out of her shell 
French to English
Amateur éclairé (jeu de mot pour des bougies)For the Enlightened; Light up your life 
French to English
any other basis underou toute autre raison prévue par la législation 
English to French
application noticeformulaire de demande 
English to French
atomes crochuskindred souls 
French to English
attached so much... as toas much as 
attestation celibatairesingle status, unmarried status 
French to English
au devant de la scèneback in the spotlight 
French to English
Aux sources du bien-êtreAt the source of your well-being 
French to English
avant de la donner à dévorer à la grosse cuisinièrebefore letting it be consumed by the stove 
French to English
à ce qu'elles n'en ignorentAs proof that they were informed 
French to English
à discrétionunlimited/all you can eat 
French to English
à la taille, à l'unitéSuits, made to measure, in your size, one at a time 
French to English
étrennershow off (wear for the first time) 
French to English
évoluer en toute sécuritésafely learn and play and discover 
French to English
back on the boardback on the murder (or case or suspect) board 
balancing actto be able to strike the perfect equilibrium 
English to French
based on how bothered you have beenen fonction du degré (niveau) de gêne ressentie 
English to French
beer-and-a-shot jointtavern 
being attainedworth the effort 
Big blinggros joyaux, gros bijoux 
English to French
Big-Bang-for-the BuckOffre exceptionnelle 
English to French
billed as an amountpour effectuer une demande pour un service 
English to French
billion/trillion (Canada)millliard, billion 
English to French
blinded conditionsà l'aveugle, avec insu 
English to French
bloggerauthor of a blog (web log) 
blow the phone of the walla fait sauter le téléphone 
English to French
bonvoucher, form, ticket 
French to English
French to English
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