Translation glossary: My Gloss

Showing entries 51-100 of 262
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Caresser des chimèresNurturing illusions / chasing rainbows 
French to English
Cartorio UnicoSole Notarial Office 
Portuguese to English
Casou civilmente comMarried in civil ceremony to... 
Portuguese to English
French to English
Certidão de exigência legalcertificate required by law 
Portuguese to English
English to Portuguese
COLLAPSED LUNGcolapso pulmonar 
English to Portuguese
coloscopie avec colorationcolonoscopy with staining methods 
French to English
Como podes tu falar dele? Tu não conheces o JoãoHow can you talk about him? You don't know João! 
Portuguese to English
Como se nele estivesse escrito..., as if written therein 
Portuguese to English
concessão de Inspeçãoinspection license 
Portuguese to English
French to English
conduzir uma negociaçãorunning the business 
Portuguese to English
conferir poderesgrant powers 
Portuguese to English
consideradoconsidered/taken into account/accepted/established 
Portuguese to English
Continuidade de EstudosContinuing Education 
Portuguese to English
Contrat d'apporteur d'affairesBusiness Procurement Contract 
French to English
Convivi com ele durante o tempo que trabalhamos juntos.I was in close contact with him when we were working together 
Portuguese to English
cradle-to-cradledo berço ao berço 
English to Portuguese
criação e produção publicitaria em rádioRadio advertising creation and production 
Portuguese to English
criação e redação publicitariaadvertising creation and copywriting 
Portuguese to English
Daí um pulo para abraçar a profissãoIt only took a step from there to become a professional. 
Portuguese to English
das mich so hinkriegtthat has such control over me 
German to English
délicates sur le plan politiquepolitically sensitive 
French to English
French to English
d’avoir atterri dans le tiroir où étaient rangés les boulons les plus minusculesto have been the smallest cog in the wheel 
French to English
de forma indenizadaas a compensatory indemnity 
Portuguese to English
de manière à faire ressortir leurs qualités intrinsèques, telles que les a penséin order to bring out their intrinsic qualities, just as the author meant them to be 
French to English
deixar por menosto ignore 
Portuguese to English
del profondo sentire e dell'agire?in true feelings and in actions 
Italian to English
English to Portuguese
denuncia di inizio attivita`start of construction notification 
Italian to English
des dates de présence en eaudates of their presence in the water 
French to English
Desconforto ao toque.Sensitive to touch 
Portuguese to English
Diminuição da mobilidade normalReduction of normal mobility 
Portuguese to English
diplome d'ingenieur du corpsengineering diploma specialized in (agriculture, hydraulics and forestry) 
French to English
Dirección General de la PolicíaPolice Headquarters 
Spanish to English
divorce absolutedivorcio irrevocavel 
English to Portuguese
E para completar o show,....and, to top it off, 
Portuguese to English
eddig is vehetettcould always buy 
Hungarian to English
Editor and publisherRedator-Chefe e Companhia Editora 
English to Portuguese
Ela é brincalhona e sorridente.She's lots of fun and smiles 
Portuguese to English
Em cumprimento ao artigo 10 do Decreto n296, se faz públicoin compliance with Art. 10 of Decree 296, it is publicly announced 
Portuguese to English
EM DIA COM PAGAMENTOSup-to-date with payments due 
Portuguese to English
Em testemunho da verdadeIn witness whereof 
Portuguese to English
En aquel mismo instanteAt that very moment 
Spanish to English
en régime de suspension de droits...waiver of duties 
French to English
English hunting-lodge-style lobby barBar estilo cabine de caça inglesa 
English to Portuguese
enquadramento legallegal framework 
Portuguese to English
Entendre entre les brancheshearing through the grapevine 
French to English
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