Translation glossary: Drmanu49 glossary

Showing entries 6,601-6,650 of 7,091
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TPDMtrouble dysphorique prémenstruel (TDPM) = premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) 
French to English
TPpretaux de prothrombine pré-don 
English to French
tracé intermédiairemiddle trace 
French to English
tracé...bien organiséWell structured sleep and wake pattern 
French to English
traceable to internal referencetraçabilité p/r aux références internex 
English to French
Tracer Medicine Listliste des médicaments essentiels/traceurs 
English to French
tracheostomy flanges and tiesbrides et cravates voir colliers de trachéotomie 
English to French
tracheostomy tubes with an unblocked cuffcanule avec un ballonnet non obstruant ou dégonflé 
English to French
tracksuivi du process 
English to French
track and fieldathlétisme (track and field) 
English to French
track commentcommentaire de suivi 
English to French
tracked instrumenttraqués ou repérés par le traqueur 
English to French
English to French
tracking issuesproblèmes de migration 
English to French
tracking to resolutionsuivi jusqu'à résolution du problème 
English to French
traction sur la carènetension or traction on the carina (ridge) of the trachea 
French to English
Tradenamenom commercial 
English to French
training matrixmodèle de formation 
English to French
trait de côtehigh tide line 
French to English
trait de refendsecondary fracture line 
French to English
traitement anticoagulant en dose poidsanticoagulant dosing based on total body weight/weight-based 
French to English
traitement d'agrémentnot just comfort care but a true medical treatment 
French to English
Traitement probabilisteEmpirical treatment 
French to English
trajectory psychiatric comorbiditytraitement précoce et optimal afin de prévenir les comorbidités psychiatriques 
English to French
tramitéProminence of linear, interstitial (septal) markings 
French to English
trancheslices or cross sections 
French to English
French to English
tranchefirst stage of construction 
French to English
transaminitisTransaminases élevées (hépatites virales, infectieuses ou toxiques) 
English to French
transcatheter edge to edge(réparation mitrale ) bord à bord par voie transcathéter 
English to French
transcortical leakfuite du ciment dans les espaces épiduraux, le canal rachidien ou les foramens 
English to French
transfer a pre-operative plan...passer d'un protocole préopératoire à l'application chirurgicale 
English to French
transfer dressingInterface absorbante souple, siliconée voir pansement secondaire absorbant 
English to French
transfer inter-établissementInterhospital Patient Transfer 
French to English
transferts racinaires et foliairesroot and leaf transfer 
French to English
transgrandtrans grand-droit gauche trans or going through the rectus abdominis 
French to English
transit, 2ème agetransition to 4-12 months 
French to English
transitionlesssans transition (étape d'insertion) ou à mise en place immédiate 
English to French
Translating names of institutionsKeep the "original" name and explain with a translation. 
French to English
Transmissions Paramedicales de Passage au SAUnotification/transmission of paramedic's report to the Emergency Unit Admissions 
French to English
transplanttransplantation de coraux 
English to French
transplanttransplantation de coraux 
English to French
transplantable replacement organsorganes de remplacement transplantables 
English to French
transport d'imagesImage transmission 
French to English
Transposition réno-porteprobably reno-portal anastomosis here 
French to English
transtubationtranstubation is used 
French to English
trapped in agarose DNA immunostaining (TARDIS) assayprotocole TARDIS, méthode universelle 
English to French
traumatisme sonoresound or acoustic trauma 
French to English
traumato-orthopédicOrthopaedics and Traumatology, and... 
English to French
travail en campagneduring a production period/campaign 
French to English
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