Translation glossary: German statistics

Showing entries 1-19 of 19
übergeordnetes Maßsuperordinate measure 
German to English
bewertendes negativEvaluative ...were correlated negatively with.. 
German to English
einen gut zu identifizierenden Hauptfaktor ergabresulted in a well-identifiable main factor 
German to English
Erklärungszuwachsincrease in explanatory power 
German to English
Flächentransformationnormalization transformation, normal rank transformation, area transformation 
German to English
gepoolte Streuungpooled variance 
German to English
Gesamtmittelwertoverall mean, sample mean, grand mean 
German to English
Grundgesamtheitstatistical population 
German to English
häufige mittlere Zustimmungfrequent medium (level of) agreement 
German to English
Herauspartialisierenpartialling out, controlling for 
German to English
hochladendhaving high loading, loaded highly, high-loading 
German to English
hochsignifikant und mittelhochhighly significant with a moderately high correlation 
German to English
Nebenladungcross loading 
German to English
noch durchschnittlich vs. durchschnittlichlow/high average versus average 
German to English
SWStandardwert = standardized score (SS) 
German to English
Verfälschungfaking; distortion 
German to English
verknüpfbare Datendata that can be correlated (or linked, or integrated) 
German to English
Zellenbesetzungcell frequency 
German to English
Zielmaßtreatment objective 
German to English
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