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Translation industry news

The Warsaw Pact Debate is a panel discussion about managing the relationship between translation agencies and freelance vendors.  The panel discussion will be the finale of the TM-Europe 2008 Conference October 10th at 4.30 PM CET.. Andre Pellet of will be chairing the debate and a panel of three representatives  of translation agencies of different size (Lionbridge, Magit, Welocalize) and three freelance translators with a lot of experience and interesting opinions. Opposite them we have the conference participants and the on-line audience. There are a lot of issues to be discussed and all the ingredients for a very lively debate are there. However, we are also hoping that this proves to be a very positive discussion on how agencies and vendors can openly talk about their problems and sometimes conflicting needs, with the aim of seeking consensus and working together to develop the whole industry and promote standards and best practice rather than simply focusing on their differences.

We will be running a live webcast of this debate on-line with an option to submit questions and comments to the moderator both before and during the debate itself. In order to join this debate you should register free of charge at and you will receive the access details prior to the webcast by email. On-line participation facilities are limited so please register soon to book a place. You can submit questions and opinions before the debate by sending them to [email protected]  and marking your email “Warsaw Pact Debate”.

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(Click here to see more quotes.) Connect! has become invaluable to our business. The new platform saves us time and enables us to source, track and manage new linguists in one convenient online interface. We especially like the Notes feature so we can keep track of our favorite candidates.
Natasha Bonilla, Vendor Manager
Eriksen Translations

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